Catholic Identity

What's happening?

Prayer spaces

Many of you will have seen our Lenten prayer spaces set up around the school when you attended the Parent Teacher meetings.


The Year one and year two community have set up a prayer space based on Simon Peter helping Jesus when he carried his cross.  Students are encouraged to think about others in their times of stress and need, and record ways in which they can help 'lighten the load' by being there for their friends and family.

Year three students have created a prayer space based on the theme of Hope as displayed by Jesus' followers before His resurrection.  They have presented signs and symbols of hope from diverse cultures and faiths to create an inclusive place to listen to the hopes and dreams of our diverse community.  Each student is asked to design or recreate a symbol on a pebble to remind them of the strength hope plays in our lives.

Year four students are receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation later this term.  Their prayer space is reminding us to seek forgiveness as Christ did as he died on the cross - "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do" (Luke 23: 34).  The students are invited to ask to write down words, thoughts or actions they are sorry for and place them in our wooden cross.

Our senior team have created a space honouring the story of Palm Sunday.  Students are able to list ways that they experience their 'Hosanna' (joy filled) moments.

Our foundation prayer space is outside near the 'pin a prayer board'.  Students focus on the frienships Jesus shared, particularly at the Last Supper.  This space reminds us of the good friend we have in Jesus and the ways we can be good friends to others - just like Jesus was to everyone he met.

The students will be visiting these spaces over the coming weeks, perhaps you may like to chat about them with your children.


Opening of the year school mass.

Today we celebrated our opening of the school year mass.  The first reading was from the book of Kings where Solomon sought wisdom and discernment from God to lead his community.  Staff were commissioned accepting their mission as witnesses to Christ as members of a Catholic community.  We pray that we follow in the footsteps of Solomon; to use discernment and wisdom in our decision making and in our teaching as we meet the needs of every student in our care.

Our year six leadership team were also commissioned with a presentation of their badges.                                           We prayed this special blessing upon them:


 Bless our year six leaders as they lead our student community with the grace God has granted them.  

           May they be alert to the needs of others, and be prepared to make a difference in our world,  

           with their words and actions.  

           Give them the skill of listening, not only to others but to their heart.  

           May they always demonstrate self respect.  

           With compassion, ensure they treat others with dignity.  

           With courage, may they continue to stand up for what is right and just,  

           whilst remaining humble as your servants. Bless our community as we encourage and support them in their leadership role.




Thank you to those of you have completed the ECSI survey.  We understand that it is quite long however it is a very important collection tool that provides the future direction of our Catholic Identity within our St John's primary school community.  The survey will remain open until Holy Thursday.

The link, password and instructions can be found in the email sent via Operoo dated Monday 20th February.  If you need any assistance, please contact the office.