
Mrs Leanne Schulz
Assistant Principal (Primary)
The Primary School staff and I welcome you and your family to the 2023 school year. We look forward to working with you and your child/ren throughout the year. We are also looking forward to getting to know all the new students and families.
Transition Day
The transition day last week was a huge success! It was lovely to see the Preps and their families come for their allocated interview time with the Prep teacher(s) in the new Fairview (Prep/Year 1) village. It was also great to see many of the Year 1-6 students and parents dropping books off and chatting with their Homeroom teacher. This day allowed for a smooth beginning to the school year.
The first day back at school was filled with smiles and excitement as friends reconnected. A warm welcome is extended to many new students, families and staff to the College.
Our Preps commenced their first day of school on Tuesday! They were full of energy and enthusiasm. A very big thank you to families for preparing your child for school and to the Prep teachers for making the transition seamless.
Thank you also to all the Prep families who were able to join us for a Parent Morning Tea. It was a wonderful opportunity to build connections with staff and each other and enjoy our community spirit.
The new Primary School Building
It was with much anticipation that the Cumberland students and staff finally got to move into the new Primary building. The parents, staff and students alike were blown away at the beauty and magnitude of the new building. The facilities, acoustics, colour scheme, flexible learning spaces and furniture are amazing! Our Property Manager, Mr Nick Meletis, and his team of workers and the IT department worked tirelessly to ensure that Cumberland could move into the new spaces to begin the school year. The teachers and learning support staff also did an amazing job in a short time to prepare the learning spaces for the students. We all cannot wait for the new Visual Arts, Performing Arts, and Design Technology spaces to be ready for classes in the coming weeks, and also, for the Cumberland playground to be completed! The Year 2 students will also get to use this playground until the new Fairview is completed.
When asking students, “What do you think about the new building?” a stand out reply was: “Mrs Schulz, the new building is just like a palace!” We are all very grateful for the wonderful facilities that we will be able to enjoy!
2023 Primary Leadership Structure
Assistant Principal (Primary) | Mrs Leanne Schulz |
Deputy Head of Primary | Ms Megan Williams |
Head of Prep | Mrs Natasha Radley |
Head of Year 1 & 2 | Mr Jevon Scandrett |
Head of Year 3 & 4 | Mrs Anne Adams |
Head of Year 5 & 6 | Mr Nigel Keegan |
2023 Primary Homerooms
Please find below the list of Primary School Homeroom Teachers and classrooms:
Homeroom | Room | Teacher |
Prep H | F1 | Ms Tara Harding |
Prep C | F2 | Mrs Kylie Coker |
Prep F | F3 | Miss Fasiha Faizi |
1B | F4 | Mrs Simone Bailey |
1R | F5 | Mrs Josie Russo |
1D | F6 | Mrs Nadia D’Aprano |
2A | D1 | Mrs Michaela Di Paola / Ms Donna Rowe-Campbell |
2H | D2 | Miss Lidia Hermez |
2M | D3 | Mrs Jamie Mariner |
3A | C1 | Mr Jamal Abou-Eid |
3T | C2 | Mrs Rachel Touma |
3W | C3 | Mrs Jennifer Williams |
4M | C4 | Mr Scott Munro |
4S | C5 | Mrs Jane Steenkamp |
4R | C6 | Mrs Brigitte Riscica |
5J | C7 | Mr James Miller |
5M | C8 | Mr Tom Marks |
5A | C9 | Mrs Sheridyn Weaver / Mrs Nicole Gilbert |
6A | C10 | Mrs Emma Dowling / Ms Isabel Monroy |
6P | C11 | Ms Jaimee Pezzutti |
6B | C12 | Mrs Joanne Birchmore |
Support Staff
Teacher Assistant (Prep) | Mrs Renaye Meletis |
Teacher Assistant (Year 1 & 2) | Mrs Sarina Mazzone |
Learning Support Assistant (Year 1 & 2) | Mrs Emma Pedersen |
Learning Support Assistant (Year 3 & 4) | Ms Robbie Edwards |
Learning Support Assistant (Year 5 & 6) | Mr John Clampitt |
Support Staff Teachers
Head of Learning Support (Primary) | Miss Maria Koullas |
Learning Support Teacher (Prep) | Mrs Natasha Radley |
A very big thank you to Primary School families for welcoming our new staff as they transition into the Aitken Community. It means a lot when parents introduce themselves and allow the new staff time to get to know everyone and the routines. Thank you for being so supportive, positive and open with your communications. It is very much appreciated!
If you have any concerns or things that you may not be sure about, please feel free to contact the Homeroom or Specialist teachers, the Heads of Year, the Deputy Head of Primary or myself. Our community is based on trust and respectful communications, and we value parental input.
The Primary staff are dedicated and committed to the education of children and work hard to provide a challenging and supportive learning environment catering for the needs of all students. I am very honoured to be part of such a team.
Fairview and Cumberland Chapel and Assembly
Fairview Chapel and Assembly are held every Monday from 9.00am to 9:30am and Cumberland Chapel and Assembly are every Monday from 10.00am to 10.30am. Parents are most welcome to join us.
Term 1 Assembly Roster
Information Evenings
The Fairview (Year P-2) Parent Information Evening is scheduled for Wednesday 15 February at 7.30pm on Zoom.
The Cumberland (Year 3-6) Parent Information Evening is scheduled for Thursday 16 February at 7:30pm on Zoom.
These sessions will provide you with the opportunity to meet the year level teachers, your child’s homeroom teacher and the leadership team, and will ensure a smooth transition for your child/ren.
We will begin each session altogether, then there will be a separate Zoom link to join your child’s year level(s). Links will be emailed to parents prior to the evening.
Open Afternoons
To promote community connections and build positive relationships we invite parents to join us for the Fairview and Cumberland open afternoons. Parents can bring along a snack to share. This will also give parents an opportunity to see inside the classrooms with their children. Hopefully, the new Primary specialist areas and Cumberland playground will be completed by these dates.
- Fairview - Wednesday 22 February 3.30 - 4.30pm
- Cumberland - Wednesday 1 March 3.30 - 4.30pm
More information will be sent out closer to the dates outlining more detail.
Allergies and Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is the most severe and sudden form of allergic symptoms. An anaphylactic reaction can be serious and life threatening. We have a number of children with anaphylactic reactions to certain food. Please keep this in mind when you are preparing your child’s snack and lunch. The content of your child’s lunch box may cause a severe anaphylactic reaction to one of these children.
Birthday Treats
If you plan to bring birthday treats to school for your child, speak to the Homeroom teacher before you prepare a treat. A bag of lollypops is sufficient, so please do not prepare elaborate individual lolly bags or gifts for students as this creates a level of unwanted competition.
- Each child is required to have a named bottle of water at school.
- When packing a lunch box, we encourage you to attempt to eliminate the need for any plastic wrappers around food. It is important to include healthy snacks, including fruit and vegetables, and avoid snacks high in sugar or salt. NUDE Food is a priority.
- Your child must bring their hat to school every day, otherwise, they may have to miss out on playing.
- It is also advised that your child bring a small tube/bottle of sun block. Please ensure that they have sun block on before they arrive to school.
- It is also compulsory that hair is tied back, at all times. If the hair is at a length, which it can be tied back, it must be tied in a bottle green or navy hair tie.
- Prep and Year 1 children are required to bring a spare change of underwear, socks and trackpants/shorts (blue or green) to school.
- Jewellery is not permitted, except for a small stud or sleeper.
- Smart phones must not be used to communicate with parents during the school day.
Communication with School
Communication between home and school is very important. Your child’s teacher is the first point of contact for classroom and learning related issues. The Heads of Year, the Deputy Head of Primary and myself are also available to discuss student needs and concerns. The best way to communicate with teachers is via email and an appointment can be made if needed. Please avoid trying to discuss your child’s needs before or after school unless an appointment has been made as teachers use this time for preparation and often have meetings to attend.
It is most important that you follow communications that come directly from the College rather than online parent chat groups. Parent online chat groups are a great means of meeting other parents and keeping in touch, but they are not set up by the College and should not be used as an official channel of communication. Please check with the Homeroom teacher or the leadership team if you are unsure of any processes or procedures.
Parent Helpers
If you would like to help out in the classrooms, excursions or the Kitchen Garden Program, you must attend one of the Parent Helper sessions run by Mr Michael Cooper, Director of Community Engagement. All parent helpers must have a Working With Children Check.
Cumberland iPads
Dear Jesus
We thank you for all your blessings as we begin the new school year.
Bless each one of us as we enter this school bringing our hopes and dreams.
Bless our friendships and families as we belong together as a community.
Bless our learning as we work hard with our teachers.
Bless our family as we share and learn together.
Bless each person who enters our school that they may share in the joy and happiness that comes from You.
In Jesus’ name, we pray.