Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
Year 7 and 10 Immunisations
Year 7 and Year 10 students have immunisations on Monday 6 March. Information and a link to a new online consent platform will be sent to parents very soon. Please ensure you respond even if not giving consent.
Student Bus Travellers
If your child travels on one of the public school bus services, please ensure that their myki card is topped up regularly; register their card and then it can be topped up online. If your child travels on one of the College’s charter bus services, they must have their ID card with them (or a fob for younger students) with which to scan on and off the bus.
Rapid Antigen Test Kits
If your family would like any RAT kits, you can collect some from Reception.
Traffic Safety for Children
Please note the following regarding the safety of children at drop-off and pick-up times:
- Children must not cross the internal ring road at any point other than the marked pedestrian crossing near the Gym. Please obey the directions of the crossing supervisor.
- When using the Gym car park, please hold your children’s hands to prevent them walking in front of cars.
- Please do not park in the car park opposite Reception or the roundabout for drop-off or pick-up, as children are not permitted to cross the road there.
- Cars dropping off or picking up in the western parent car park must be parked in the marked bays; do not ask children to exit or enter a car that is not parked properly.
- Children must not walk across the roadway in the western parent car park to access cars; they should use the footpaths.
- Please do not attempt to enter the staff car park for drop-off or pick-up; it is not safe for children to cross the road.
- Parents, please model the correct behavior to the children by abiding by all rules above, including the speed limit of 20 kph around the ring road.
Child Protection and Wellbeing
The College’s Child Protection and Wellbeing policies can be accessed on the Aitken website or in My Aitken. Any concerns regarding child safety should be reported to one of our Child Safety Officers (Assistant Principals, Deputy Heads of Primary/Secondary or Deputy Principal).