
Selamat datang kembali, bienvenido de nuevo and “welcome back”
Primary Spanish
This year there will be some changes to the Languages curriculum at Aitken College with students in Year 1 and 2 now learning Spanish. Teaching alongside Señora Monroy this year will be Señor Martinez. Señor Martinez is not entirely new to Aitken College as he did some replacement work last year. But we welcome him aboard the Languages team for 2023.
As the students in Years 1, 2 and 3 are all commencing Spanish at the same time, the content of lessons may be similar as students learn saludos y presentaciones (Greetings and introductions). In Year 4, students will be learning the topic of la escuela (the school), Year five will be studying las rutines (daily activities) and Year 6 will be doing paises y medios de transporte (countries and transport).
Bahasa Indonesia
In the secondary school, Bahasa Indonesia is the language of study. Interestingly, a fun fact about Indonesia is that the population of Indonesia is now over 273 million people. That is ten times the population of Australia. Also, Indonesia has a rapidly growing economy. It is a member of the G20 and is on schedule to be the world’s fourth largest economy by 2050. Considering this, there will be many opportunities for Indonesia-literate Australians as we head deeper into the ‘Asian Century’.
In Year 7 Indonesian, the students will start with the topic Kenalkan (May I introduce) and will learn how to exchange greetings and talk about their likes and dislikes. In Year 8, the first topic is keluarga (family) and in Year 9, students will be commencing the year looking at cuaca dan pakaian (weather and clothes). In Year 10 Indonesian, Pak Sukiman will be teaching students how to use Indonesian to discuss their cita-cita (future aspirations).
Indonesian Textbooks – Year 8 and Year 9
On the booklist, you would have noticed students in Year 8 need to retain the Bagus Sekali 1 textbook and activity book from Year 7. This is because these will be used in Semester 1. Students will need the Bagus Sekali 2 textbook and workbook from Term Three. It may be a good idea for Year 8 students to keep the Bagus Sekali 2 books at home and bring them in at the beginning of Semester Two.
Year 9 students need to retain their Bagus Sekali 2 textbook and workbook from Year 8 and bring it to school at the beginning of Term One as it is required for the year. Please check that students have these books in their school bags in readiness for the year ahead.
Terima Kasih (thank you)
Pak Rogers
Head of Faculty - Languages