Chaplain's Corner

Over the summer I was able to enjoy a holiday in the Barossa Valley (South Australia) where I was priviliged to be the celebrant for my nephews wedding with my son being the Best Man. It was a very hot 38C at 4pm in the afternoon but a great family occasion. I have much to give thanks to God for!
I hope and pray that your family enjoyed any Christmas celebrations and holidays together. It is important that we have family rituals and have time out to relax and rejuvenate. I would be pleased to hear from you about your Christmas and summer time with children at home.
The 2023 year has started well with the first Chapel being a “Backpack Blessing”. We were able to read in Matthew19:13-15 that Jesus scolded his disciples from sending parents with children away but instead said, “Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”. Jesus placed his hands on them and prayed. Likewise I was able to bless the backpacks, children and staff as we begin another school year.
At each chapel service I always begin with a 1 minute meditation. This is not only about helping everyone to practice mindfulness but also calms everyone down and brings us into the present moment.
The Giving Tree
Thank you to all those who donated and placed gifts under the Giving Tree.
In the end, we collected 30 boxes of toys, food and toiletries to the Emergency Relief (Food for Families) program at Uniting Vic/Tas.
Aitken Community Picnic and Games
All families and staff are invited to our upcoming Community Picnic and Games. BYO picnic and rug!
Blessings for 2023!
Rev. Gavin Blakemore