
Class of 2022 Year 12 students
Congratulations to the Class of 2022 on their results and offers. Almost every student who applied for a course through VTAC was made an offer. 82% of students were offered their first, second or third preference. We are hoping students are pleased with their results and their achievements for 2022 and are looking forward to what 2023 may bring. We wish them every success as they commence a new stage in their life journey which now takes them beyond Aitken but hope that they will always remain in touch with the College.
Class of 2023 Year 12 Students
Warm wishes to our current Year 12 class. Please remember that in B21 we have an ‘Open Door’ policy, if we are able to see you on the spot we will, or if you prefer to make an appointment you are most welcome to do so. We are also very happy to respond to email enquiries. Ms Gibbs and I are looking forward to working with you during the year. It is our aim for every Year 12 student to depart Aitken with a plan for next year (and possibly beyond) and a pathway they are feeling positive about.
Year 12 Learning Conference at Hyatt Essendon Fields
At the Conference on Wednesday 1st February, we were fortunate to welcome presenters from VU, Swinburne, ACU and La Trobe universities to speak to our students. These institutions all offer an early entry program for Aitken College students where a conditional offer is made for a course prior to the completion of Year 12. If the English study score, any prerequisite subjects and the ATAR requirement (in some cases lower than for the general Year 12 population) are met, the student receives a firm offer in the December offer round after results are released.
VU offers the VU Guaranteed program and will work with the student on pathway options if for some reason they do not meet the requirements for university course entry: If you are a successful VU Guaranteed applicant, VU guarantee a place in the university course of your choice if all selection requirements are met or a place at VU Polytechnic (TAFE), as a pathway, if this is needed. This is possible because VU is a dual sector university, that is VU offers both university and TAFE course options. Where ATAR is a factor in selection, Aitken students receive bonus points for VU entry.
La Trobe offers the Aspire program which rewards students for their community service or voluntary work by requiring a lower ATAR (sometimes as low as 50) for successful Aspire applicants to access their degree programs: Many Aitken students have been able to take advantage of the benefits of this program because we have a strong ethical and community spirit among students in the College where they strive to find ways to give back.
ACU offers ACU Guarantee, currently in the process of being overhauled for 2023 applications ( and Swinburne has an Early Entry Program (
RMIT has an Early Entry program offering access to a limited number of courses. The students heard about this program when they attended the RMIT Future Finder excursion last year. The program will possibly be revised and expanded for 2024 entry (
Well over half of the students in the Class of 2022 were offered places for 2023 entry via a successful Early Entry program application. More information will be provided about these programs as the year progresses.
Students also learned about the VU Block Model of Learning, unique in Australia, which is a new way to ‘do’ university. Unlike the standard university model where you juggle multiple subjects at the same time over a semester, at VU you are able to focus on one unit (subject) at a time. You complete each unit over a four week ‘block’ and are assessed at the end of the block. You still complete the same number of units or subjects each year as in the traditional university mode of learning but in smaller classes and in an intense learning mode. The timetable for the VU Block Model is also very student focussed and there is a strong pastoral element in the program. More information can be found at:
Career News 1
Career News Issue 1 is now available and includes information about:
- obtaining assistance from Careers staff in B21
- getting a Tax File Number
- a career as a Biomedical Engineer
- why study Nursing, Medicine and Health Sciences at Monash University
- The University of Melbourne Hansen Scholarship 2024
- Environmental Science courses in Victoria
- a career in Health Information Management
- a career as an Intelligence and Policy Analyst
- Agriculture courses in Victoria
- The ADF Gap Year
- GAP Year opportunities with New Ventures Worldwide (formerly Lattitude)
and more.
Careers Newsletter on My Aitken
Career News is written and published fortnightly and is available via My Aitken / Resources / School Life / Aitken News / Careers Newsletter / Careers Newsletters – 2023 Editions:
Contact Details
Please contact us via email: and / or
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors