
Welcome back to a new school year. We started the year in Maths with the Year 1-6 students meeting with their teacher to complete the Mathematics Assessment Interview. This was a great way for all students to share their understanding in Maths and for teachers to gain a clear understanding of your child’s mathematical skills. The Prep students are also completing the interview on their Wednesday testing days. Teachers have analysed the data and are using it to plan their teaching for Term 1 to ensure they are teaching to each students’ point of need.


At St James we teach Mathematics to equip students with mathematical skills and efficient strategies that they can apply to everyday experiences. We focus on developing mathematical understanding, fluency, logical reasoning, analytical thought and problem-solving skills through rich, open-ended tasks. We look forward to sharing what we have been learning in Maths with you throughout the year.


Jess Conway and Bridie Slater

Mathematics Leaders