Faith & Wellbeing



Hello Everyone, and welcome back to school. For those of you who don’t know me I am the Student Wellbeing Leader at St James.  I am available to the students on most days in the “Well Done Office” which I share with the Learning Support Officers(LSO’s).  


Although our school and community are the most awesome places we can’t expect everything to go well for everyone all the time, so I am here to assist the students and parents should they need someone to talk to or need some advice on how best to support our community. Throughout the year I frequently have visitors who need to talk about playground issues, a bad morning or something that is troubling them. I even help the teachers when they need support around how to support students in their class. All classroom’s have a star system that students can use when they wish to come to the office for some Wellbeing care.


Along with the Wellbeing Team (Carmelina Corio, Emma Herbert, Corey Payton and myself) we have been working hard over the last few months to make St James the best Wellbeing School it can be. We are very fortunate to also have the support of Adele our speech pathologist and Ashley Whitelaw our Occupational Therapist. 


Return To School

Returning to school this year is very different even to last year. Transitioning to a new classroom, teacher, routines and even for some a new school can take time to adjust. During this time of adjustment and new routines, we need to be mindful of our organisation and preparation, making sure we are prepared for new experiences which can take a lot of work. Having a morning routine for the school days helps our children to begin the day in a calm and positive way. The most useful way to get out the door and on time to school is to set up a morning routine. 


2023 Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 7th February was Safer Internet Day.  

The eSafety  Commissioner (eSafety) encourages students, families, schools and communities to ‘start the chat’ about online safety through provision of a range of resources and activities. All classes will be participating in activities prompting the safe use of the internet, including working through the ICT Student use policy at St James. 


Bringing Toys from Home

Please do not allow your children to bring their valuable toys, cards  i.e., Footy, Pokemon, or special basketball or footballs to school, as children often become upset if these things are lost.  Trading of Pokemon / Footy cards are advised to happen on playdates at home. It is lovely that children have an interest but occasionally it ends in tears.


Mrs Georgia McNamara

Students Wellbeing Leader


First and foremost I would like to welcome back all our families and hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas and New Year. We look forward to another great year ahead at St James.


Term 1 R.E.

This Term is a very important term for our school community with Lent and Easter already fast approaching. We began the year with our Whole School Liturgy today led by the Year 5 students. 


Over the coming weeks, students will begin to explore the scriptures and traditions of Lent beginning with Shrove Tuesday (Tuesday 21st February) and Ash Wednesday (Wednesday 22nd February). During the final week of the term, we will be gathering as a school community to share Jesus’ journey during Holy Week with each other (please see below for dates). 


Sacrament of Reconciliation

This term our Year 3 students will be preparing and celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This will be held on Wednesday 29th March, 12pm in the school hall. 

There will be a Reflection Evening on Tuesday 28th of February at 5:30pm.  More information will be sent out closer to the date.


Please do not hesitate to contact either myself or your classroom teacher if you have any questions regarding the sacrament.


Important Dates


Tuesday 21st - Pancake Tuesday

Wednesday 22nd - Ash Wednesday Liturgy 10am in the Hall

Tuesday 28th - Reconciliation Reflection Evening 5:30pm



Wednesday 29th - Sacrament of Reconciliation, 12pm in the Hall

Friday 31st - Palm Sunday Liturgy, 3:15pm



Monday 3rd - Holy Thursday Liturgy, 3:10pm

Wednesday 5th - Good Friday Liturgy, 3:00pm

Thursday 6th - Easter Saturday and Sunday Liturgy 12:50pm



If there are any parents that require dates or a letter confirming sacraments, please email and I will be able to provide that information for you. 


Emma Herbert

RE Leader / Sustainability / Learning Diversity Leader


How to Sign up for as a parishioner of Bayside Catholic Mission



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