Hello, from our students and teachers.

Grade 4/5 B

Hello, from Grade 4/5 Mr Bentley and Lisa Fasham


In math we have worked on estimation.  Students were shown an image of an undisclosed number of items in a vase. They were asked to estimate the number of items and then given a series of clues from which they could use the information to narrow the possibilities to a smaller set of numbers.

Students then created their own Esti-Mystery to give to a partner to solve. There are many more fantastic Esti-Mystery activities at: stevewyborney.com





In Literacy this week we have been working hard on our narrative writing, focusing on the structure and essential parts of a narrative like our explosive beginnings, orientation, complication and the resolution and conclusion.


In our reading time we have been looking at the different types of literary devices. Each lesson we have added to our anchor chart so that we can reflect back on whenever we are looking for ideas for our writing.