Principal Report 

Brianna & Ian

Welcome to Semester 2.  We hope all of our families had a relaxing break over the school holidays.



We are asking for your cooperation in ensuring children arrive at school in time ready for learning at 8:40am each day.  Children are expected to be in attendance school every day unless they are unwell.


Pick Up

Please ensure that you collect your child(ren) on time after school, school finishes at 3:00pm.  Our staff are on yard duty until 3:15pm.

Plastic Lid Project

Thank-you for all of the donations of plastic lids.  The children have been threading the tops to create a large mobile for our library.  We hope to have the finished project soon.


Breakfast Program - seeking help from Grandparents

Every Wednesday morning we would like to run a breakfast program at school from 8:00am to 8:30am.  We would love volunteer grandparents to help us out with preparing breakfast.  Please call 8560 6079 if you are able to help us out.

Curriculum Day

We are hold our Curriculum Day this term on Monday the 5th of August.  Our staff learning will continue to focus on "Developing Balanced Readers".  

There will be NO school for children on this day

School Photos

School photos are expected to be delivered within the next 4 weeks.

Hardcover Book Collection

We have finished collecting plastic tops and we are now asking for donations of hard cover books.  We would love it if every child bought in 2 hardcover books each (old books not to be used again).

Art Project

We have been so pleased with the response from our families and your involvement in our Art project with artist Anu.  We are meeting again tonight, Thursday the 25th July at 6pm in Ngargna to continue work on our stories for the project.  Families please remember to bring along a plate of food to share.

Master Cooking Classes

We hope to run various Adult Master Cooking Classes in our student kitchen.  Our first Masterclass is next Wednesday the 31st of July and is run by  a chef from Biriyani World.  He will demonstrate cooking and we will be able to eat the yummy food.  Numbers are  limited to 20 Adults per class.  Next weeks class is already full.   If you would like to offer your skills in running a class please call our office staff on 8560 6079.

Chinese Students Visit

We are very excited to host 31 children from our sister school in China.  They will be at our school from the 5th of August to the 9th of August.

Science Week

Science week is coming up from the 12th of August to the  16th of August.  We will be holding a Science Fair and asking children to prepare an exhibit for the fair.  A scientist will be coming to the school to speand a session with children to help prepare for the science fair.

Prayer Room

We have set up a private room for the purpose of a prayer room.  Children and adults are most welcome to use this room.

This room has also been set up with some comfy chairs for any mothers who would like a space to breastfeed their baby.

Special School Council Meeting

Next Tuesday July 30th at 6:00pm we are having a special meeting to discuss funding for our new buildings.  Sarah Connolly (State member of Parliament) is coming along to discuss funding and timelines for when we will be able to complete our school.


Sarah has been very supportive of our school and the need to complete the build of our school.  Community members are most welcome to attend this meeting.

Terracotta Wariors

An exciting exhibit is currently being held at the National Gallery of Victoria featuring Terracotta Warriors from Xian in China.


We are excited to be able to offer 50 children the chance to participate in this excursion, which will be on Friday the 11th of October, to visit the National Gallery of Victoria to view this once in a lifetime exhibit.  This excursion is open to children from Yr1 to Yr6.  The cost  will be approximately $20.


If you would like your child to attend, please book on try booking via the following link

Please ensure that you put your childs(ren) name and class when completing the booking.  Our family trip that is scheduled later this year will be visiting the actual Terracotta Warriors .