The Learning Zone

What have Kinder been up to?

Kinder are investigating length and distances in Maths. We went on a "short" walk to the Canteen (36 seconds/62 steps) followed by a "long" walk (2 minutes 36 seconds/200 steps)!

If you can take a photo of it, it’s a noun! We spent some time in the playground taking photos of ‘people, places and things’ that start with the sound ‘m’. Monkey bars, mats, motors, mud and even some monsters! 

Year 6 Goal Setting

Students in Year 6 have been working hard on Goal Setting. They have had to write a goal for Literacy, Mathematics and a Personal goal. The teachers have reviewed each goal and where necessary have worked with students to make their goal measurable and achievable. When the child has achieved their goal and demonstrated it to the teacher they then set themselves another goal.