Aussie's of the Month - December

Well done to all our Aussie's of the month for November.

Foundation Aidan K OLN

Aiden is a most worthy recipient to receive this award in 0LN. He always demonstrates our school values and is an amazing role model to his peers. Aiden is a kind friend and shows compassion and respect at all times. He consistently strives for success in his learning and rises to any challenge. Congratulations Aiden! 

Year 1 Mia R 1/2R

Mia loves being at school, learning and participating in all activities. Every day Mia demonstrates our school values as she always treats others with respect, willingly offers to help, knows what the right thing to do is and does it and she bounces back when things get rough. 

Congratulations, Mia.                                             

Year 2 Kai McK 1/2R

Kai is a kind, hardworking member of 12R who always shows respect to teachers and his peers. He is helpful and supportive of his classmates and sets a great example for others. Kai makes great choices and shows resilience under pressure.  Kai is a deserving recipient of December’s Aussie of the Month.

Year 3 Ali F 3/4K

Ali is a polite and courteous member of the class.  He has worked hard this year and as a result has achieved pleasing results.  It has been pleasing to see Ali work co-operatively with other members of the class.  Well done Ali.

Year 4 Joshua C 3/4K

Joshua is a self-motivated student and always works to the best of his ability.  He is exceptionally well organised with his learning.  Joshua demonstrates all of our school values and gets along well with the other members of the class.  

Well done Joshua.

Year 5 Poppy W 5SB

Poppy is a kind and caring member of 5SB.  She displays respect for her teachers and her peers.  Poppy loves to share her work with the class and her sense of humour makes us all laugh.  Her communication with our local council about planting more trees has been inspiring.  Poppy has been an absolute pleasure to teach this year.

Year 6 Luke B 6ML

Luke is a friendly and co-operative student who approaches each task with a positive attitude.  During remote learning he attended every Webex session and was an active participant. Luke works well with all members of the class and is respectful and polite at all times. His caring nature and helpful attitude make him an asset to the grade. Congratulations on being Aussie of the Month Luke.

 PE Year 6 Lucinda M 6ML

Lucinda consistently tries her best in PE lessons and works hard to improve herself in all areas. She is a compassionate classmate who is able to include everyone. Lucinda encourages others regularly and will go out of her way to help her teammates. She sets a fantastic example of co-operation and leadership in our PE classes. 

Well done, Lucinda!