First transition day -Thursday 29th October between 9 and 11am



Return/exchange of uniform can be arranged.  Please contact the office.


CDFpay:  St Laurence is mostly cashless.  We use CDFpay for purchases and payments.  Uniform for 2021 can be ordered for new parents.  Hot lunches, uniforms and other payments are ordered and paid for via this app.  Once in, you can then save to your home-screen as well. 


Parents can now register.  When ordering, select Class 2021 and then your child.  Next year you will be able to choose by class. The link to this is:



PAM (Parent Access Module).  PAM is a parent portal that is linked to our administration system for attendance.  You can submit absences, access semester reports, book parent teacher interviews, give permission for activities, see the newsletter and access CDFpay, find out daily information and much more.   Please create a medical profile for your child when you get PAM up and running.    For easy access to PAM please download SimonEverywhere after you have PAM running.


The link to this site is http://pam.stlleongatha.catholic.edu.au 


SimonEverywhere:  It is an expectation that all families have SimonEverywhere installed on their mobile devices.  To receive important notifications (different to emails) you must have the app SimonEverywhere which is linked directly to PAM.   This can be downloaded free from the app store.  It has very easy prompts to follow.  When you download the app please follow the prompts to identify our school and then use your PAM login and password to connect.  As well as receiving notifications, SimonEverywhere will take you directly to PAM, so no need to sign into PAM every time you want to check the daily messages.  SE links you directly to absences to submit an absence .