All families must have SimonEverwhere/PAM installed 

to get relevant notifications and updates.

Dear Families,


Absences need to be submitted via SimonEverywhere/PAM by 9:30am on the day of student absence.  If you are leaving an absence message on the phone, select option 1, please say  your child's name, surname and reason for the absence.  If no reason is given, the absence is recorded as 'Parent Choice'.   


SCHOOL START TIME AND SCHOOL DROP OFF: Just a reminder that our school gates DO NOT OPEN until 8:25am and there is no teacher on duty until this time. Please do not drop children off before this time as it is a child safety issue.


School begins at 8:50am.  Please have your children in a great routine so that they are at school on time for line up and the beginning of lessons.  


EARLY DEPARTURES FROM SCHOOL:  We remind parents to please make appointments outside of school times.  If you must make an appointment during the school day, please be mindful that at recess 11 - 11.30am and lunchtime 1.40 - 2.10pm it is difficult to get children up to the office as they sometimes don't hear announcements when playing. Children also need to find a teacher to open the doors to get bags (for the juniors).  


FAMILY HOLIDAYS:  A Holiday Request form  must be completed prior to holidays that are taken during school days.  We do ask that you please make holiday plans during school holiday time.  Forms available from the principal.  Please email Liz O'Loughlin for your request form at


According to the Victorian Government regulations you must request to take holidays during term time (please view for more information).


At St Laurence’s we aim to be supportive and as such have developed a holiday request form.  Once this has been filled in and emailed back to me (Liz O'loughlin), I will forward you an acceptance response form. This meets our duty of care and legal responsibility. It also leaves a paper trail when the annual attendance audit is conducted.


The acceptance response form will suggest some things that you can do during your holiday time that have an educational outcome - such as reading a map, taking photos and writing a sentence or two about exciting events, collecting and discussing items you have discovered during each day.


Your legal responsibilities


You are legally required to ensure your child attends school every day.  If your child misses school you must promptly contact the school on the day of the absence (before 9:30am) to give an explanation to avoid a phone call from the school about your child's non attendance.  This is to be done via PAM (preferred option), email or call and select option 1 and leave an absence message (indicate the reason for the absence please). Please note that you cannot forward date an absence in PAM as it is a requirement that students attend school everyday.   


Please avoid planning holidays or making routine medical appointments during school time and where possible, you should inform the school in advance of upcoming absences.


BUS PASSES:  Just a reminder that the school cannot issue bus passes to students.  The bus network service is for out of town students to get to and from school .  They are not public buses. You will need to make your own arrangements for such things as sleepovers, parties or sporting practise etc outside of town.  This directive comes from the bus co-ordinator.  


PUBLIC TOWN BUSES: The town buses are a fare paying service (free during COVID) run by Winterhalter Bus Lines.  If you would like more information about the town buses, please call Winterhalter's on 0428 551 145.  


We have had a great response to the St Vinnies Christmas Appeal.  Items can be accepted up until Monday 14th December.  St Vinnie's will collect our items on this day and will be making up all the hampers on 17 and 18th December ready for distribution.  Items can be brought to the office and placed in the the basket there, or, children can pop them in the gray trays which come down to the office each morning.


To uphold the dignity of those receiving the goods, please ensure that all food items are not due to expire for 6 months.  All items must be non-perishable.  


Ideas could be:  Christmas pudding,  Bon-bons, Long life Custard, Tea, Coffee, Milo, Long life milk, Sweet biscuits, Candy canes, Fruit cakes, Jams, Christmas cake, Pancake mix, Lollies, Couscous, Cereal, Fruit mince pies, Savoury biscuits, Tinned fruit, Pasta, Pasta sauce.


School Fee Intention Forms should have been returned to school.  Your promptness in returning this form will be appreciated.


For families not on a payment plan, unpaid school fee payments are DUE NOW please.


School fees are not meant to be a burden on your family budget and we understand during COVID19, some families have been affected and are really struggling.  If your family is experiencing difficulties in meeting your school fee commitment, we wish to hear from you.  Please contact Liz O'Loughlin on as soon as possible as there are concessions available to those who need it.


REFUNDS:  Requested refunds have been processed this week for parents who requested so.


HEALTH CARE CARD/PENSION CARDS AND THE CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund):   Do you hold or have recently been allocated a HeathCare Card/Pension Card? If you have recently been allocated a HCC/Pension Card, a claim can be made on your behalf and you may be eligible for the school fee subsidy.  


If you already hold a current HCC/pension card and have not claimed before, please contact the school or fill out the application form that is attached below and send back to school with a copy of your card as soon as possible.  Having a HCC/Pension Card  gives you access to a considerable subsidy off your school fees. 

Please contact the office if you have any questions or request a hard copy of the application form. 


Dear God, 

Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives, 

thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. 

Thank you for your great love and care. 

Thank you for your sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. 

Forgive us for when we don't thank you enough, for who you are, 

for all that you do, for all that you've given. 

Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. 

Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. 

We love you and we need you, this day and every day. 

