Senior School Learning

Reflections on 2020


Remote learning made me realise how much I enjoy riding to school every day and interacting with my classmates and teachers. It was a very different experience working through my classes on my own and taking more control of my learning. Our school day relied on technology and apps on our iPads, so I often had to deal with technical issues and that gave me a better understanding of my devices and resilience when problem solving. Even though remote learning was a great learning experience I missed seeing my friends and being hands on in the class, so I was excited to be back in the classroom at the end of lock down… at least until remote learning 2.0. Overall, this year has been great. We got to go to camp and continue our SAKG program in term four. I've really enjoyed preparing for graduation and getting ready to take the big step into high school. 



-This year I have enjoyed having challenges in maths. 

-This year I have enjoyed working with different people that I don’t know that well. 

-This year I have enjoyed doing a lot of sport and sport related activities. 



Throughout my 7 years of primary school, this year has been the most challenging. We have all faced challenges in our own way, but everyone has been resilient about it, especially remote learning. Having to be in lockdown for half the year….. which is why one of my favourite memories is when we got to go back to school and I got to see my friends for the first time in weeks. However good things did come out of this year and the teachers put a lot of effort into making sure they happened… and because of them we got to go on camp, and we are getting a graduation.  



-I have enjoyed how hard the work was so we can test our knowledge. 

-I’ve enjoyed working at home so I can concentrate more on my work and tasks. 

-I’ve enjoyed working in different places. 

-I’ve enjoyed helping others with work when needed. 

Senior Science

Year 3 and 4 students have spent the term studying magnets and magnetic forces. They have been set the challenge to create a game that uses magnets for their fellow classmates to play. The designs are coming together nicely. Year 4/5/6 students have now planned, conducted and reflected on their own experiments. Pictured below is Jessica and Maddi investigation asking which surface would grow the most bacteria? 


Well done to all my budding scientists, enjoy your holidays. Mrs McHenry



Performing Arts

The Grade Six students have been busy filming short acting and dance sequences for their Graduation video.  It has been a great experience for them to be directed and perform in front of the camera.  The Grade 4/5/6s have been assisting in the production of masks and set backdrops for the Junior School performances.  It has been a great opportunity to work in the 'hands on' production side of theatre.


The 3/4s have been learning basic dance choreography and have shown great commitment to learning steps and keeping time.  We might be able to reveal 'The Funky Cowboy' soon!