Student of the Week 

Term 4 Week 9

Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student of the Week' award. 

StudentRoomAwarded for
Daniel1W6Consistently demonstrating the Maramba School Values.
Azaria2P11Showing resilience and persisting when faced with challenges.
Jeydon2M12Writing an excellent descriptive narrative which used strong authors voice and wonderful word choice. Well done, Jeydon!
Robina3/4P14For showing initiative and spreading kindness through her actions in the classroom.
Milad3/4F16For working consistently hard during all Guided Reading sessions and achieving the high result he was aspiring to get in a reading assessment task. Milad is now ready to learn a great deal more about reading and different types of texts.
Nick5M18Being a polite and responsible member of the class and a wonderful role model to all.
Megan5R20Always being a great role model and being willing to assist others.