From the Wellbeing Team

March  2021

The theme of Harmony Day is ‘Everyone Belongs.’ Northern Bay College staff and students lead the way by living out these values at school and in the wider community.  Our college has proudly celebrated Harmony Day at all five campuses over the past 10 days.

Harmony Day is celebrated every year to mark the culturally diverse make up of Australia and is one of the most anticipated celebrations on the college calendar.  This year, these celebrations have included a Harmony Day Assembly at each campus and students have been encouraged to wear a dash of orange, tie orange ribbons on our campus fences and proudly wear their cultural dress. 


Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Week. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.  This was showcased by all Northern Bay students over the past week whether stepping up to sing, dance, be an MC for an assembly, make a speech or listen respectfully about difference. Everyone has demonstrated the true sense of harmony within our school. Here are some of the faces of pride in our cultures.


A feature of all assemblies is the National Flag and cultural costume parade. This year we have 49 flags, each flag represents a different country where our students were born.  It was an absolute array of colour and pride seeing flags from our represented nations being paraded and celebrated to the song ‘Waving Flag”. 


Harmony Day celebrations concluded on Monday 29 March with our Wexford campus hosting former Australian soccer player and Human Rights advocate Craig Foster.  He watched cultural performances answered questions and played soccer with our SEED soccer stars.  His message was simple “Everyone is Equal although we are all different and that racism is not welcome!" 

These are fabulous messages for all college students to uphold and this was a powerful end, to what has been an important event at Northern Bay College to celebrate our culturally diverse community. 

We thank the Geelong Advertiser for featuring this special event in their newspaper.

This video showcases the true message that Northern Bay College can show our community.


Dental Service from Barwon Health

Commencement Dates:

Peacock: has been operating this month

Goldsworthy: April 19

Tallis: August 2021

Thank you Barwon Health
Thank you Barwon Health

Come and join us at the 

Bringing Up Great Kids Program

The Bringing Up Great Kids Program is a 6 week supportive program for parents of children aged 12 months - 12 years.

The program aims to:

  • Support parents with the skills to enhance their communication with their children
  • Promote positive interactions between parent and child.
  • Encourage the development of children’s positive self-identity.




Norlane Child & Family Centre

Gerbera Avenue, Norlane



11 May - 15 June 2021


Tuesday 10am - 12pm


Mandy on 5222 6911




A follow up session (booster session) will be offered to parents after the completion of the program.