Years 7 - 9 Update

March 2021

Josh Brown
Josh Brown

It is terrific to be accessing the GITTC once more for our specialist rotations.



These weekly specialist classes take place on Tuesday afternoon (Tallis/Wexford) and on a Friday afternoon (Peacock/Hendy). 


The subjects being studied this term were.

  • Materials and Textiles 
  • Digital Technology 
  • Media 
  • Food Studies 
  • Visual Communication 
  • Wood Technology


The inquiry focus for term 1 in our 7-8 learning communities was Geography. 

Students learned how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Asian regions are connected to water and different types of landforms across these regions. Students researched and identified how these people are physically, culturally and spiritually connected to their environments. 

As the unit progressed students explored personal connections to landforms and their environment. 



When reading, year 7 and 8 students have continued to engage in shared reading tasks to broaden understanding on geography (landforms and physical, cultural and spiritual connection to the land). Using dreaming stories, information reports/texts and newspaper articles they have used a variety of sources for information.   

Writing is also linked to the study and we used skills in writing information reports. These information reports  again linked to  individual interest areas, and landforms students feel connected to. 


Maths links have been useful too. We have looked at  coordinates, Cartesian Planes and plotting coordinates on the x and y axis.

Connecting learning in our excursion to West Barwon Water brought together the study of land formations and links to our local community, water supply and our environment.

Geelong Technical School STEM program.

Year 7/8 students from Peacock and Hendy went on an excursion to the Geelong Tech School as part of their Year 7/8 STEM program. The students participated in 1 of 3 activities for the day; Drone Dash, Table Maze or Mini Golf design.

The students learned about angles by using drones, and how to combine coding with construction in creating their own table maze and mini golf course.

The Hendy and Peacock Yr 7/8s will return to the Geelong Tech School in Term 2 for more Tech Tasters and then the Wexford and Tallis Yr 7/8s will enjoy these opportunities in Semester Two

Hands On Learning

A number of students from Years 7 and 8 participate in the Hands On Learning Program. Some terrific work below by the team under the guidance of Mr Jemmett and Ms Golding. They have designed and installed a wonderful new board at the Resource Centre on Goldsworthy Campus.

This noticeboard will highlight favourites or new items and be a message board for quality resources.

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

Year 9 in the News

You may have seen in the Geelong Advertiser an article outlining one part of the program devised by Ms Jolly to support our students with healthy approaches in mind and body. Our next issue will explore all of the components of the program which has utilised a number of college partners such as the Secondary School Nurses, The DET Mental Health Practitioners team based at the college and the Article highlight of a TAC team Road to Zero digital interactive session.






Our local Lions Club of Corio Norlane came on board with a donation towards a Healthy Lunch for the two day program.

Josh Brown

AP Peacock Campus 

7-9 Stage of Learning Leader