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 March 2021 - April 2021

Year 7 to 12 Athletics Carnival Wednesday 21 April

school photos

Goldsworthy 20  April

Wexford 22 April

Tallis 26 April

Peacock 29 April

Hendy 30 April

Excursion and Incursion activities

Preps – Healthy Harold - Incursion 
Tallis April 20 
WexfordApril 20 and 21 
PeacockApril 22  
HendyApril 22 and 23 
Years 1/2 – Bravehearts – Kid’s Safe Adventure - Incursion 
PeacockMay 5 
WexfordMay 5  
TallisMay 6 
HendyMay 6 
Year 3/4 – Project Rockit – ‘Belong’ - Incursion 
HendyApril 27 
TallisApril 27 
Wexford April 28 
Peacock April 28 
Year 5/6 –  Cultural Walk - Melbourne 
Hendy  May 3 
Tallis  May 3 
Wexford  May 5 

Uniform Shop at Goldsworthy business days


Northern Bay College Uniform Shop Trading hours

The following normal trading hours resume from Thursday 28 January

Monday 8.00am – 11.30am

Thursday 12.00pm – 4.00pm


Northern Bay Uniform Shop Telephone: (03) 5221 9199

For assistance outside these hours, please contact Bellarine Uniforms

Telephone (03) 5221 9199


Student Free Curriculum Days                                   

Friday                  14 May                                                 

Friday                  13 or 20 August


 Public Holidays during term two

 Queens Birthday                       Monday 14 June