The Round Up

Since last newsletter Facebook has had a number of items about day to day activities at the college as well as some important messages.


Remember our preferred communication is through COMPASS app and email but for people over 13 - Facebook has immediate items of interest and a number of updates.



So much is on view in Facebook that we really encourage you to look at some of the exceptional work that has been taking place.


Students in 3-6 presented their ERP showcase at Peacock Campus. It was great to see so many families come along and see what their children and others have been researching. The year 5/6 students created an extra experience where you were given a passport and when you visited each country they stamped your passport.

Blue Edge sessions updates. These students are having exceptional opportunities.


A terrific video showing the talents in technology which are being shared with our students. Students in years 7&8 travel to the GITTC for specialist classes once a week. Digitech is one such class. Students this term created their own musical instruments that they hooked up to a Makey Makey and coded to produce music

an excerpt from the clip
an excerpt from the clip

You have check it out on Facebook


In fact you have to join thousands of others and get a daily glimpse of life at Northern Bay College (NB - Only students over 13 should have Facebook)