Principal's News

Parent teacher interviews- survey


 We had a fantastic response to our request for feedback on the recent parent teacher interview process. The feedback was varied but very informative and will assist us in fine tuning this process in the future. I have included a summary of the results at the end of my report.


Teddy Bear Picnic


What a fantastic day we had yesterday for our Teddy Bears’ Picnic, with Prep & Year 6 Buddies and their parents enjoying a picnic lunch on the oval. Thank-you to the staff for organising this event and to the parents who were able to attend.


Visitors on site in Term 2


The current Queensland COVID-19 situation is an unfortunate reminder of how quickly things can change and the importance of continuing to be vigilant and take appropriate precautions. As we move into Term 2, most visitor restrictions to schools are no longer in place. We will be reintroducing class helpers early in the term and we are also able to welcome a limited number of parents back to school assemblies. We will also open up classrooms for Meet Your Teacher, an event that was cancelled in Term 1. This will take place on Wednesday April 28th from 3.30 - 4.15pm - a separate communication will be sent out with further details.


Sunsmart – Wearing of Hats


Just a reminder that in accordance with the school’s Sunsmart policy, hats must be worn outside until the end of April which would extend this requirement to the first two weeks of Term 2. Thank-you for your support.


Year 6 Camp


Best wishes to our Year 6 students and staff for their camp in the first week of Term 2. The camp was cancelled due to the mini lockdown in Term 1 and we were fortunate in being able to find another available booking. The Coonawarra Camp is a fantastic experience and I’m certain that our students will have a wonderful time. 


School Council


Included in this newsletter is a report from Council President, Michael Wong. I encourage you to read Michael’s report and as suggested, feel free to contact Michael or myself at any stage with questions or feedback.


End of Term


A reminder that today is the final day of Term 1 with students being dismissed at 2.30pm. Term 2 commences on Monday April 19th.


I trust everyone enjoys a very safe and happy holiday and best wishes for those celebrating Easter. Please stay safe, particularly if you are spending extended time on the road.


Kind regards






Parent Teacher InterviewsParent Survey feedback