Health & Wellbeing

Year 10 Immunisations
In 2021 Moreland City Council’s Immunisation Service will visit Coburg High school to provide a free meningococcal vaccination to all year 10 students.
Year 10 is the only year that your child will be offered this particular vaccine free of charge, in accordance with the revised National Immunisation Schedule.
Year 10s have recently brought home the following vaccination card, please complete and return the card even if you are declining the immunisation.
FIRST: Read the booklet, tear off the consent card and complete all details on the front, including your child’s Medicare number (if you have one) & your contact details. Even if you are declining we need your child’s details to ensure accurate records.
SECOND: Complete the following details on the back of the consent card.
YES: To consent please sign, date and tick the 'YES' box.
NO: To decline or advise of vaccination elsewhere please tick the 'NO' or elsewhere box inside the card.
Please return the card As Soon As Possible: Immunisation cards can be left at Reception.
For further information about the vaccination program and how it affects you please visit the Department of Health website at
Note: the Meningococcal vaccine is required for the Hajj Pilgrimage.
Jeremy Fiske
DET School Health Promotion Nurse
Here are some reminders for parents, guardians, and students on how we can take care of ourselves and each other.
Asthma Action Plans
If your child has been diagnosed with Asthma, we required to have a current Asthma Plan on file from your GP. If you already have handed one in then please disregard this notice. Asthma plans can be submitted either via email at or can be handed in to Reception.
**Please note Asthma Plans are only valid for 12 months and must be updated Annually**
Dental Vans
In Term 3 the Australian Dental Health vans will be visiting Coburg High School. Further information to follow!
Ash Christensen