Outside the Classroom

Big Science Competition
Well done to the students including Douglas J, Fern L, Joey F, Joseph C, Joseph S, Khadijah E and Justice O who participated in the Big Science Competition this week! The Big Science Competition is a 50 minute, multiple choice competition testing science knowledge, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Questions are set in real-life, contemporary contexts, making them relatable (and interesting). Just by entering, students go into the running to win some cool prizes and it's also a great way to challenge your own scientific knowledge.
We look forward to seeing how you all went when the results are released later in the year :)
Peta Johnstone
NASA Chief Scientist Talk
Through Selina's Technology connections with VSSEC, (the Victorian Space Science Centre) Coburg High School was offered an opportunity to take a small group of Year 9-10 students to VSSEC to participate in a talk given by Dr Jim Green, a NASA Chief Scientist.
He discussed all things Mars, and what it takes to be a Martian; including the latest research on Mars geology and environment, Perseverance’s latest exploits, and the movie the Martian. He also discussed the types of jobs and skills that NASA will require moving forward in their space ventures.
Four students, nominated by their Science and Technology teachers attended the talk and had their pre-submitted questions answered by Dr. Green, which was a highlight.
Katherine Ryan
I found the overall experience to be quite interesting. The talk had lots of cool and new information for everyone there to learn, and while there were technical difficulties, we got to submit some questions about Mars or anything really to do with space, and he answered them to the best of his ability, and it was a great experience.
Rune B
Even though there were connection problems for the majority of the presentation, it was still fun and I learnt something by the questions at the end and the package of infographics and photos we received. By far the most interesting part (other than the connection problems) were the 3D glasses and 3D photos that came with the package.
Ibrahim H
Hello from the library. As you are all aware by now, Book Bingo is well and truly underway. This is a fantastic opportunity for the students who have signed up for it to read, draw, review and rediscover old favourites as well as finding new favourites in their quest to raise money for our beautiful library. Please support these wonderful students in their quest.
Library Trivia Master has finally returned to the relief and excitement of those who excelled at it last year along with some new fans. This year was a little different to last year’s mystery as we could actually now hold it here in the library as well as online. Students needed to solve the clues to the twelve people in history by deciphering the pictures and props on display. The competition has come to an end and we have a winner! With all clues solved, May's winning entry is Astrid R from year 7. Congratulations Astrid and we hope you enjoy your winner's cafe voucher. You are now also the first entrant into the end of year major prize draw. Good luck!
The library is always looking for more books to add to our collection. If you have books lying around the house which you would like to donate, we would be more than happy to add them to the collection. Contact the Coburg High School librarian for further details on donating.
Happy reading!
Dianna Jarnet
Writer in Residence
The CHS English is super excited that our Writer In Residence program with Bec Kavanagh has kicked off. We had a meetup on Thursday and are in the process of finalising what our Community Project will look like. Bec is an expert at non-fiction narratives, so will be helping shape an interview with members of the CHS and wider community into a story to be proud of. Any students still interested are still encouraged to drop by! It will be 3.30-4.30pm every second Thursday in the library from May 27.
As well as popping up in various classes to help with creative responding, Bec will also be running a creative writing drop-in service every second Thursday 3.30-4.30 from May 20. If students are passionate writers and do a lot of it at home, but would like to help shaping and refining their stories, they are encouraged to drop by the library at those times. There will be snacks!
Lachlan Gaylard
Congratulations to the C and D grade teams who travelled out to Epping Secondary College last night. I am so incredibly proud of the debaters last night - five out of the six people debating were debating for the first time, and they did an incredible job. Both teams were beaten by one point, which is an incredible effort - fantastic work, everyone. Debates were as follows: C Grade - 'That we should have compulsory national service.' Monique C, Sunday B, and Kellie B. Special mention to Kellie who also got best speaker for the night. D Grade - 'That we should ban animal testing.' Matilda D, Veronica P, and Ilaria C. Everyone spoke well, and everyone had a go at rebuttal too, which is the incredibly difficult. Fantastic job, everyone. The teams represented our school very well.
Kelly Aguirre
This past Monday May 17th CHS celebrated IDAHOBIT, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia. Students wore rainbow accessories to school in order to celebrate the day. During recess and lunch we had a hugely successful bake sale, dance party, and face painting table. Many students participated in these activities and contributed to the festive atmosphere of the day.
Our IDAHOBIT celebrations were organised by the Stand Out group at CHS. Stand Out is a group for LGBTQIA+ students and allies. We meet every Friday at lunchtime CU.04.
All are welcome to join us!
Why do we celebrate IDAHOBIT?
IDAHOBIT is celebrated every year on May 17th. The Minus18 IDAHOBIT website explains this choice of date as follows:
"31 years ago - on May 17, 1990 - the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) celebrates LGBTQIA+ people globally, and raises awareness for the work still needed to combat discrimination."
Things have changed for the better, but LGBTQIA+ people still experience discrimination. IDAHOBIT symbolises our daily effort to fight discrimination by including and affirming all of our LGBTQIA+ students at CHS. Our fight on May 17th takes the form of celebration, and what a celebration it was! Congratulations to everyone who got involved!
Ohad Kozminsky