Acting Principal's Update

The first half of Term 2 has flown by with a myriad of events here at Coburg High School. Before I highlight just some of these activities for you, I would like to provide you with a brief School Council report, and will endeavour to do this in future updates whenever possible.
Student Voice Leaders - Wednesday 19 May & School Council - Thursday 20 May
As part of our four yearly Strategic Plan, we have been tasked with reviewing our School Vision and Values. I would like to thank Mally, Sadie, Georgia, Merched, Khadijah, Savitri, Douglas, Poppy, Mabing, Joshua, Daniel, Oskarn, Amy, Aimee, Astrid, Timur, Claire and Angus for their thoughtful input during our Student Voice Leaders meeting on Wednesday. What was apparent to me as a relative newcomer to the school was how our four values are embedded and appreciated by our students. There was a view that our statement regarding Community needed to be more positive and recognise the importance of diversity amongst our student and staff body. In terms of our Vision, the students were of the view that it was important that we emphasised equipping them with the skills necessary for the changing nature of society.
As a follow on from the student meeting, School Council met on Thursday to finalise the 2021-2024 Vision and Values. After much consideration and deliberation the following refreshed Vision and Values were adopted:
Coburg High School fosters student voice and agency and equips them with skills for lifelong learning. We empower students to thrive in a complex and changing global society. Coburg High School is an interconnected community hub that serves the diverse needs of our students.
We have four core values that underpin our expected behaviours, policies, practices, communication and decision-making at Coburg High School:
We strive to do our best and to continually improve in our learning and our work;
We are honest, open, trustworthy and ethical;
We are lifelong learners who take a brave and inquisitive approach to the world around us;
We respect the rights of others, celebrate our diversity, and contribute to building an inclusive and thriving school and community.
By acclamation Council thanked Sara Webb for her tremendous service as Coburg High School Council President for the past four years. Council also:
- received a report on how Respectful Relationships is incorporated into our Health and Home Group curriculum. We also discussed how student voice helped shape recent staff professional learning on sexual assault and sexual harassment
- discussed the need for more facilities to support student needs in light of continued growth in numbers
- received a report from the Parents' Association regarding their recent successful social events
- discussed transport issues around the school and student safety.
School Council also ratified a change in the Student Free Day for Term 3 - please note that the new date is Monday 12 July - the first day of Term 3.
Iftar – Wednesday 5 May
This was a highlight of Term 2 and a big thanks to Gary and Mem for all their organisation for this event. The night time family event with 150+ people was supported by a day time incursion for students with a panel of representatives from the local community.
Open Evening - Thursday 6 May
This event showcased the best of Coburg High School to prospective students and their families. My big thanks to all of the Learning Area Leaders and staff for their work in showing off the school. I would also like to acknowledge the 50+ students who volunteered to lead tours around the school. For the first time this year we showcased music in our gym presentation to families. A big thanks to Anna B and Luke for their coordination of this. Please see the names of our student musicians and their performances in the photos above. The feedback from one family was that we had both the best music and best food of any of the Open Evenings they had attended! (thanks to Jeanette, Olivia, Chantelle and Food students for organising the scones). I'd also like to pass on my thanks to School Captains Ilya, Leahana and Paris and Year 7 Student Voice Leaders Douglas, Khadija and Jo for their speeches which provided a great insight into what makes Coburg High School a great place to learn and grow.
IDAHOBIT – Monday 17 May
Students and staff celebrated International Day Against Homophobia Biphobia Intersexphobia Transphobia discrimination and violence this past Monday with additions to the uniform, a bake sale and dancing at the Crossroads. See Ohad's report later in the newsletter as well.
NAPLAN & Year 9 Investing in Your Future Week
Last week Year 9 students participated in a week of events designed to get them thinking about careers and their life after Coburg High School. Thanks to Mel, the Year 9 team and teachers for this great initiative. This week also incorporated the NAPLAN tests - a big thanks to Theresa Pagon who oversaw all this for us. The photo above shows Mel and James delivering donuts after one of the NAPLAN sessions!
Brent Houghton
Acting Principal