The 2021 Harvest magazine is in production and hard copies of this may be ordered by emailing me - Please ensure you provide the following details:

  • Family Name
  • Student's Name(s)

This magazine contains all the excitement in photographs and articles from Terms 1 and 2. One copy per family is available at no cost.


The college welcomes prospective parents and students to our community! We know that making a decision about finding the ‘right’ secondary college is important. St Joseph’s College provides a Catholic education built on the tradition of Mercy values. To learn more we invite you to visit the college website and explore the enrolments section.


Please direct any enrolment applications/enquiries for all year levels to our Admissions and Communications Manager, Mrs Tracy Aston on (03) 5018 8034or email


All  families agree in writing to abide by the college's policies and procedures upon enrolment of their child. As per our fee policy (point 14.3) in instances where a student exits the college without providing one term’s notice in writing or equivalent, one term’s fees will apply. Charging of the fee is not a penalty for withdrawal without notice but a calculation of genuine economic loss incurred by the college. This is the reason the late withdrawal fee is applied.


The college plans for, and commits to, a range of staffing costs and services, such as a laptop leases, camps and excursions, in advance. Where a student is withdrawn without sufficient notice, the college may not be able to fill that place at late notice which results in a commitment to costs that are no longer required.  The withdrawal of a student in shorter than the agreed notice period now also becomes a cost incurred by other parents. Naturally the college will exercise discretion over fees in exceptional cases such as personal hardship or family bereavement.


Please contact me by email if you need to give the college notice if your family is leaving the district or of your intention to withdraw your child/ren from the college.  If you require further information please do not hesitate to call me on 5018 8034.


Mrs Tracy Aston

Admissions and Communications Manager