On Wednesday April 21, Mrs Morrison organised for Allie Collier and St Joseph’s College alumnus Lauren Moore from the Mallee Family Care Community Legal Centre to come in and talk to the VO Legal Studies students about consent and the law relating to this.


The talk aimed to give young people the legal knowledge to improve decision-making and reduce their risk of becoming victims or breaking the law. As a result of this session they should be better equipped to improve decision making, and make informed decisions about consent. It also assists them to fully understand the legal issues and ensure they are not inadvertently breaking the law by doing something they thought was okay.


Lauren Moore also spoke to the students about her journey as a student from the college to her career as a lawyer. The students found both speakers interesting and left with some very important knowledge. If you would like more information on consent you can access resources are available on the link below.


On Wednesday, April 21 three team members from the Community Legal Centre visited our Legal Studies class at St Joseph’s College to give a presentation. The speakers were Allie Collyer, legal education worker, Lauren Moore, solicitor and Sarah Carn, community engagement worker. 


These three ladies came to the college to speak to Legal Studies classes from Years 9, 10, and 11 to speak to us about laws revolving around consent, sexual harassment, sexual behaviour, and respect. This was an amazing and eye-opening experience about real life situations that are happening in our world today and it educated us in-depth about these very important topics. 


It was also very interesting to hear from Lauren Moore, who was an ex-student of the college and who graduated in 2013. She talked about her pathway to becoming a lawyer, and explained that she was studying psychology at Swinburne University and then the law school opened and gave her an opportunity to undertake a Law degree as well. 


Abbey Copley and Samantha Scase

Year 10 Legal Studies


On June 8 and 9, students in Years 9 and 10 will participate in Courage to Care workshops. Courage to Care focuses on the Holocaust and its effects on humanity. The program aims to educate students and promote acceptance across society by:

  • Creating awareness of the dangers of prejudice, racism, and discrimination.
  • Educating to challenge attitudes and behaviours.
  • Demonstrating that every individual can make a difference.
  • Transforming “bystander” behaviour to “upstander”.

Students in Year 9 English will read ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’. The content in Courage to Care meets a number of History and Legal Studies course requirements whilst helping students develop a greater understanding of what took place during the Holocaust.


Students will be given information about their sessions closer to the day.


Mrs Andrea Chamberlain

Humanities Learning Area Facilitator