From the Principal Class

Dear Viewbank College Community,
It has been an exhausting and challenging term in many ways, but also incredibly rewarding.
We have put in place the structures – the new House system and the staff to engage with students in personal, social and emotional learning; to build House connection and to support student academic learning. It was fantastic to see the number of students dressed in House colours at our recent out of uniform day which raised $1,024.30.
Our Senior Leadership team and many staff took part in our annual ‘Pink Ribbon day’ cricket match. Students batted first, amassing an impressive score - 3/59 runs off 12 overs. Staff will take up the run chase early in term two (first Tuesday back) and look to reach that target pretty quickly, continuing our winning streak!
What has been apparent, particularly in the last few weeks of the term, has been the ongoing effects of Covid lockdown on student learning, relationships and the complexities of life that they have been navigating.
During the last week, we have heard from many of our students and it is clear that we need to renew our efforts to teach students explicitly about a range of subjects that affect them, such as racism, gender diversity and consent. We will continue to work directly with students to identify their needs.
The words of our pledge need to be brought to life in a way that is meaningful to students and the whole College community. That builds respect, care and empathy for others, even if our views do not align.
The Tutor Learning Initiative is in place and in the last few weeks, students have been asked to reflect on their learning dispositions and identify areas where we can provide specific support. For many students, managing impulsivity, identifying preferred ways of learning and support with organisation were common themes. The additional tutoring for senior students will continue in term two.
We have had a lot of students out competing in interschool sport. The College has had a lot of success and we want to congratulate all of our students for their enthusiastic participation. Engaging in Physical Education and sport is such an important contributor to overall wellbeing. Our rescheduled Athletics Carnival will take place early next term. Please read more in our Sport report.
The Launch program has had many and varied activities. The picnics and clubs have been a highlight, but our Year 10 students did some important work on future pathways with the Achieve Fest. There was a session for all launch groups that opened up discussion about bullying. This was important to tease out everyone’s understanding of what bullying is and about the effects on individuals.
I want to thank all of the staff who have worked so hard to embed the changes in the College to build connection and to support learning catch up and extension. They all need a well deserved break.
We look forward to seeing everyone back and re-energised in term 2.
Stay safe and well
Student Teacher Parent Conferences - Face to Face
Either Wednesday 21st and Thursday 29th April from 1.30pm-5pm and 6pm-8.30pm
(These are not dependent on surname letters)
Parents are invited to come to the school to engage in face to face conferences on either Wednesday the 21st of April or Thursday the 29th April to meet with your student's teachers and House Leader.
This is a great opportunity for you and your child to have a conversation with each teacher and optimize the working relationship between all parties.
Compass will walk you through the booking process but if you have any questions or issues please don't hesitate to contact our school administration during regular hours on 9458-2811.
* If you would like to request an interpreter please select the relevant option when you book. If the language that you require is not shown then please contact your child's House Leader to make a request.
* These 5 minute conferences are designed for student lead reflection on their learning with classroom teachers or a quick introduction to House Leaders. If you require a meeting with your child's House Leader or Head of House to discuss more complex issues then please email or telephone them at any time to make arrangements.
We look forward to seeing you, with your student, at our Parent Teacher Student Conferences.
Year 11 and Year 12 Presentation Balls
A reminder to any Year 11 and Year 12 students interested in participating in the Presentation Ball that the Expression of Interest and Deposit ($110) is due by Thursday the 8th April via Trybooking. Please click the relevant buttons below to express your interest.
Please see Compass Newsfeed for further details regarding the Presentation Balls.
Any questions regarding the Presentation Ball, please contact Lynette Matthew on 0412 648 550 or email
Stay safe and well.
Principal Class Team
Sharon Grimes, Principal
John Munro, Assistant Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Darren Murray, Acting Assistant Principal