Green Team News

Green Team
This term the Green Team have been getting busy in the garden moving an abundance of daffodil bulbs to different areas of the garden, clearing our summer crops, and preparing the garden beds for the winter crops. We had a great time visiting Diggers at Heronswood where the team got to choose a variety of seeds for our flower beds and vegetable garden. We are particularly excited to see what comes from our purchase of a couple of saffron bulbs (Crocus sativus), below is a picture of what we hope they will end up looking like:
We are also excited by our school membership with the Dunns Creek Landcare group. The Green Team and student leaders invited the Dunns creek volunteers and Chantal Morton who is the Landcare facilitator for the Mornington Peninsula Shire to come on site to discuss what the Landcare group do and how we can get involved. The afternoon involved a plant and weed identification walk and of course afternoon tea with some of our very own lemon cordial. It was very strong due to questionable water to cordial ratios 😊. We invite the whole school community to come along to the Annual Dunns Creek Landcare working bee on the high conservation value roadside reserve on Saturday the 17th of July.
And in Recycling news….
The Year 12 Product Design students have designed and constructed some new Recycling bin stations for around the college.
The signage for the new bins, as well as the new signage for the existing general rubbish bins, has all been made from bottle caps that were otherwise destined for landfill.
The students decided that by adding the word ‘Landfill’ to the general waste signs, this would help promote awareness of where all of the rubbish is going.