Debating News

This term we have had two debates. One of them was in person, and the other was during lockdown. Recently, our D grade debaters Jamila Manser, Natalia Fakos, and Cheyanne Williams faced off against Peninsula Grammar on the topic “That public transport should be free”. The girls presented a solid case on why we should be able to have free public transport, and were awarded with a win, and Natalia received best speaker! Our C grade debaters, Poppy Treadwell, Bonnie Salt and Charlize Sadlo had their second debate at the start of Term 2, on the topic “That we should support mandatory national service”. The girls worked hard to prepare their speeches on why we should not bring national service back, and were rewarded for their efforts with a win against Mount Eliza Secondary College and Bonnie as best speaker. This means that both of our debating teams are currently undefeated this year so far. Well done to all debaters, your hard work and preparation is paying off!