Parent Liaison Report

Dromana College Fashion & Art Exhibition
Every year Dromana College Parents & Friends Association present the Peninsula Teenage Fashion & Art Exhibition.
Please find attached the rules and entry forms in the event your child is wanting to enter.
The fashion section is a competition open to all students from Year 7-12 .
Dromana College Parents & Friends Association also seek your support for this amazing event. Attached are the forms required to show your support, which can be in the form of donations of goods and services and or advertising in the program for this event.
For further information please contact Theresa Stelling on 0419 502 081.
Bunning's BBQ
Dromana College Parents and Friends Association will be holding a BBQ at Bunning's Rosebud on Sunday August 22nd.
We are seeking volunteers to assist.
Please contact Theresa on 0419 502 081
The shifts are: