Secondary 9/10 Learning


Welcome back to Term 3! It is hard to believe that it is only week 3, we have had such a busy start to the term with our Snow Camp occurring in weeks 1 and 2. This edition of the section iNews is a report from each class on their experiences at camp. We will return to the normal structure of the iNews in the next edition.


We were very fortunate with the weather on all three camps and had three wonderful days at the snow. It even snowed on us on one of the days! I was lucky enough to attend the first two camps and spent the first day of camp 3 with the group. I really enjoy the opportunity that camp gives me in spending time with the students participating in activities, sharing meals and just being away from school with them. It has always been a highlight in my school year to go on camp and build relationships with the students that are more difficult to achieve in the normal day to day busyness of school. Seeing them step out of their comfort zone, challenge themselves and connect with different people was wonderful. I was even fortunate enough to discover another passionate North Melbourne supporter, there are not too many of us around!


Please note the change of date for our Celebration Evening.

The Celebration evening has been postponed until Wednesday November 7th. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and look forward to seeing you all in November.


Team Leader

Sam Birrell