Live Webinar - 8th May 2019

Africa Hospitals Patient Safety Initiative – Early Lessons with Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey

8th May 2019 at 12:00 (UTC+1) - (Find your timezone here)


About the webinar

In 2018, the World Health Organization declared its third global safety challenge, dedicated to reducing medication-related harm by 50% over five years.


Inspired by this, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement is currently partnering Ministries of Health in Ghana and Ethiopia, on the Africa Hospitals Patient Safety Initiative (AHPSI) to implement a seven-hospital initiative to learn about what actually works in the common quest to produce safer better care. South Africa is expected to join the initiative in 2019 with three hospitals.


AHPSI has so far adapted IHI’s Global Trigger Tool, the Safety Attitude Questionnaire, and the Leading a Culture of Safety Framework in the seven hospitals.


The webinar will share stories from the frontline on how tools were adapted and tested in different contexts across the countries, including surmounting language barriers, culture awareness, creation and utilization of technology, and strategic stakeholder engagement.


He will also share examples of applied principles of instructional design, application of human factors to adaptation, and principles of building team psychology to embrace change.


Learning objectives

At the end of the webinar, attendees will:

  1. Understand the design of a three-country ten hospital initiative to reduce medication related harm by 25%.
  2. Share early experiences from practical implementation of the Africa Hospitals Patient Safety Initiative.
  3. Discuss and share three tools adapted for diagnosing medication safety culture and practices in ten prototype hospitals.


Intended audience

This session is ideal for hospital and health facility staff who need to adapt and customize tools used in other settings to theirs, as well as Ministries of Health and Health System Leadership looking for practical ways to build a culture of safety in their facilities.


About the presenter

Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey is currently the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) Executive Director and Head of the Africa Region. In this role, he provides strategic, technical and relationship guidance for the work in IHI’s Africa Region. In 2018, Sodzi was elected a Foundation member of the International Academy of Quality & Safety of ISQua. He is also an assistant editor of the International Journal for Quality in Healthcare, a public health physician, Quality Improvement Advisor and an ISQua Fellow.


Dr. Sodzi Sodzi-Tettey also has years of clinical and management experiences in frontline district medical practice. As Vice President of the Ghana Medical Association, he won the Special Commendation Award for meritorious service to the Association and to the medical profession in Ghana. He is a 2017 Rockefeller Global Fellow for Social Innovation.