
Mathematics Overview

Mathematics incorporates the areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. The children experience a variety of hands-on materials to practise and learn new concepts. The interactive whiteboard and classroom computers are also valuable teaching aids.


Whole Class Focus

This is a time for sharing and practising skills and understandings and making connections between mathematical ideas. It is a time for building a community of learners and involves games, songs and quick interactive maths activities.


Small Group Focus- Independent Learning

This provides children with independent practise and exploration of ideas and concepts. It allows children to self check and monitor their work. Peers support each other when needed. Children can work in pairs or small groups as well.


Small Group Focus- Teaching Group

A small group of children are selected according to their needs to work with the teacher for focused instruction and feedback. The teacher is able to provide close support and allows children to make connections and form generalisations.


Roving Conferences

The teacher roves around assisting individual children, questioning, challenging and discussing.


Whole Class Share Time

This is a time for :

- Sharing and celebrating achievements

- Clearly articulating the mathematics

- Making connections and generalisations

- Reflecting on experiences and strategies used

- Reflecting on ways of learning


Children that have reached Foundation standards will work towards reaching Level 1 standards ensuring individual needs are met.


Most of all, Maths should be a fun and positive experience for your child.