

At Black Rock Primary School we aim to cater for the individual needs of all children and to provide an innovative program that promotes learning in a positive and interesting environment.


We strive to foster a love of learning in all children and  present a wide variety of educational experiences for them.


In the first month of their schooling the Foundation teachers conduct an interview which includes the English and Mathematics On-line Testing. This provides teachers with a starting point for your child as they enter school.


Students are grouped according to their needs in the core subjects of Numeracy and Literacy. These groups are fluid and flexible and allow each child to progress at his or her own rate. Some students may require extension activities whilst others may need more practise and consolidation of particular concepts.


Students also participate in mixed ability groups in some areas such as inquiry units, specialist classes and the Friendly Schools well-being program.


Our interactive whiteboard is an integral part of the children’s daily learning. It assists in


presenting and understanding new concepts, problem solving, listening skills, hand eye co-ordination and consolidating ideas and is used throughout all curriculum areas.


The following information will provide you with an overview of the Foundation curriculum.  Our teaching is based upon the Victorian Curriculum.

For further information please visit:

