
Term 2

The preps have been exploring materials around the school such as wood, plastic, rubber and metal. They have used their iPads to take photos of these materials and describe how they feel. In the coming weeks, the preps will look at the features of different materials and how this suits their uses.


The grade 1/2’s are learning about the properties of different materials such as elasticity, hardness, and the ability to bend without breaking. They have observed the changes that occur to an icy pole as it melts and how it feels different after melting and they will be carrying out many experiments to model changes.

The grade 3/4’s have learnt to use microscopes to examine objects up close and they have mastered the skill of focusing a microscope. They will be studying chemistry for the rest of term 2 with a focus on solids, liquids and gases and how different objects can be classified. The students made their own playdoh by following a procedural text and determined the best recipe.

The grade 5/6’s have started discovering the difference between chemical and physical changes. They churned cream to make butter and mixed ingredients to make their own paint. The students will continue to refine their skills in experimental design and analysing results.

Any students interested in taking care of the pet guinea pigs or spiny leaf insects over the winter school holidays please see Vanessa.