Library Corner

This term we’ve been even more book-mad than usual in the library, with CBCA Book Week celebrations, a visit to the Melbourne Writers’ Festival and racing to the finish line of the 2017 Premiers’ Reading Challenge keeping us busy. Plus we’ve had plenty of new books arrive and an array of colourful displays, as always!
During Book Week, the Library celebrated with daily lunchtime events run by some of our dedicated Library Monitors. Georgia Wood-Freeman hosted a Picture Book-Making Workshop that was a flurry of activity and glitter glue. Taylor Lowery expertly chaired a book debate with the topic “Movies have a better representation of stories than books” (which was quickly proved wrong by the negative team!). Carmelle Kent, Aimee Harris and Elizabeth Lindner-Craig organised an entertaining Book Trivia at the end of the week for everyone to enjoy.
Awards for the Top Borrowers in 2017 were announced, and congratulations to Antoine Hobbs for taking out the prize, with Penny McNeill and Caitlin Blair not far behind in second and third place.
We also had three amazing #LoveOzYA authors visit us; Leanne Hall spoke to the Year 7s about her journey to becoming a writer, Melissa Keil painted a picture for the Year 8s of what it’s like to be a creative person working today and Cath Crowley enthralled the Year 9s with the inspiration and backstory to her book Graffiti Moon, which they have just finished studying for English.
As if that wasn’t enough excitement, the Book Club also had the amazing opportunity to visit the Melbourne Writers’ Festival. We saw three panels; one called “Fan Fiction”, another about “How to Be a Slam Poet” and then a session with authors Cath Crowley, Fiona Wood and Simmone Howell talking about their latest collaborative YA novel Take Three Girls. The students got their books signed, chatted with the authors, and Adelin Zipman even performed some poetry for Maxine Beneba Clarke, which won her a copy of Maxine’s latest poetry book! It was a great day for those who love books and reading.
The Premiers’ Reading Challenge has now come to an end for 2017, and I am proud to announce that over 50 Glen Eira College students were able to meet the challenge for this year. Certificates will be handed out next term. Let’s also give a big cheer for the Top Premiers’ Reading Challenge Readers in each year level:
Year 7: Alicia Scott
Year 8: Alexander Leathley
Year 9: Antoine Hobbs
In other library news, we have just purchased some new French novels and graphic novels, which are now on display in our front window, and are available for anyone to borrow and enjoy...
Nous avons de nombreux nouveaux romans et bandes dessinées en français dans la bibliothèque de GEC! Ceux-ci sont en exposition et sont disponibles pour tous! Parmi les nouveaux livres: Vango, Hunger Games, La cabane à 13 étages, Histoire de Pi, Fantastique maître Renard, Kraa, Les filles au chocolat et les Chroniques de Narnia.
And that’s it for term 3! Don’t forget to borrow some books to read over the holidays, and if you can’t decide what to get, keep an eye out for our special holiday reading display in the final days of this term.
Karys McEwen
College Librarian