Junior School Highlights

Sporting Highlights
What an exciting term we have had so far in sport with students representing the college at different competitions. We had the Year 8 Interschool Sports Day where the girls/boys hockey team won the Beachside competition. Best of luck to them at the SMR Finals.
More recently, the Year 7 students competed in the Beachside Division in table tennis, futsal and basketball. The girls and boys table tennis teams won the competition, making them the Beachside Champions. Congratulations to Ashleigh, Lauren, Erin, Phoebe, Baptiste, Ben R, Sam, Nat and Shai who will be representing the college at the SMR table tennis finals on 1st November.
Congratulations to those students who represented GEC at the Beachside Athletics competition. In particular those who came first in their events and are now off to the SMR finals:
- Haddi El Shorbagy: Shot Put, record broken by 1.38m, Javelin, record by 2.69m, Discus, record by 5.07m
- Sofia Jorgovic: Discus
- Paul-Antoine Galliot: Triple Jump
- Josh Agar: Shot Put
Students in Year 7 have been working very hard choreographing dance routines to perform at our Dance Extravaganza in Week 10. It is always a highlight for students who get to showcase a range of rhythmic performances to a rather energetic crowd!
Academic Highlights
Congratulations to the 125 Year 8 students who took part in the Australian History Competition. There were some fantastic results which students should be proud of. A special mention to the three students who achieved High Distinctions: Ben Matthews, James Mazis, Zak Zolotarev. Our students achieved:
- 3 High Distinctions
- 5 Distinctions
- 20 Credits
- 22 Merits
Year 7B students have been using balloons to demonstrate static electricity in Mrs Loucaides Science class. They were able to use the balloons to pick up pieces of paper from a distance, make their hair stand on end and even move water. Students then had a competition to see how many balloons they could stick to themselves using static electricity. Further to this, students used the Van Der Graaf generator to test the flow of electricity through a chain of students. All students were able to feel the effects of the generator, with their hair standing on end.
Remember that Parent Teacher Interviews are just around the corner and bookings are now open. Please ensure you touch base with you child's teachers and review the progress report together.
Finally, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your support over my years as Junior School Leader, as I transition to Senior School Leader replacing Mrs Loucaides for the year. I’d like to introduce Mr Givogue who will be the new Junior School Leader from term 4 2017 through to term 4 2018. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you all and I look forward to celebrating many more successes in the Junior School.
Remember to always Get Organised, Get Focused, Get Involved
Keira McLean
Junior School Leader