School Council Report

Council Business
Council met twice this term in July and August. Council approved several camps for next year. The year level camps offer opportunities for students to strengthen friendships with other students and staff and also offer opportunities to try new activities such as skiing, surfing, camping and other adventures. Council reviews the risk registers for each camp to ensure that these activities are well managed and risks are minimised and reviews the costs before giving approval.
Council approved the uniform sub-committee’s recommendation to introduce a new GEC branded rain jacket for 2018 which will provide another useful uniform choice for GEC students. Council reviewed the capital works progress and approved the late start on the first day of term 4 as a way of safely managing some of the transitions required.
Council members enjoyed watching students perform in the school musical Fame Jr. This is always a highlight of the GEC calendar. What a fantastic effort by performers, backstage, sound and lighting crew, staff and volunteers! Thanks also to GECPA for preparing a delicious supper at intermission.
Booran Road Pedestrian Crossing Safety
Thank you to everyone who contacted their local MP and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, sharing the information from the fact sheet. The fact sheet is included below. This remains an ongoing issue so please email or phone your local MP asking them to improve the safety for our children at the crossing.
In response to our advocacy, David Southwick MP, Member for Caulfield, presented the written petition that we have been working on since last year to Parliament on Wednesday 6th September. David raised this issue in Parliament again on behalf of the GEC community.
You may have noticed that Glen Eira Council parked a speed sign trailer near the crossing to highlight the school zone speeds and times and encourage motorists to slow down.
It is not too late to sign our online petition at Please forward this link to your family and friends so we can work together to advocate for a safer crossing for our children.
I am happy to be contacted on issues relating to Council by email at
Ruth Gordon
Glen Eira College Council