Supper at School Production of Fame Junior
The supper at the school production was well-supported, with plenty of yummy food adding to the success of the evenings. A BIG thank-you to everyone who baked and/or volunteered.
Thanks also to Glen Eira College for the VIP invitations to the production to key helpers at school and on committees – it’s lovely to be acknowledged.
GEC Parents Association (GECPA) – Join Us!
GECPA is an active, well organised and friendly group of parents from across the school community. All GEC parents and guardians are welcome to attend our meetings – a great chance to meet some school families and help the school. Our meetings are friendly and informal, and your level of involvement is up to you. The next meeting is on Wednesday evening 13th September.
If you are interested being involved in GECPA please send an email to
Woolworths Earn & Learn 2017 till September 19
You can help Glen Eira College by collecting Woolworths Earn & Learn Stickers when you shop at Woolworths until Tuesday 19th September.
For every $10 spent at Woolworths you will receive a Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker. These stickers go onto a Points Sheet, which can be obtained in-store or at At the end of the promotion, the college will redeem the points for great new equipment for our brand new gym. Previous Earn and Learn programs enabled the college to buy sporting equipment, educational games and literacy aids.
Please drop the stickers (or, even better, completed points sheets) in the box at the school office.
Woolworths have also announced their new Inspiring Schools Awards.
As a school registered for Earn & Learn, GEC is eligible to be nominated to win the major award:
- $10,000 towards creating an inspiring learning space for students
- 1,000 bonus Earn & Learn stickers
- $2,000 worth of groceries for the school
Woolworths is also awarding seven other schools or Early Learning Centres across each state and territory $3,000 to provide further resources for their school or centre.
Anyone can nominate GEC now by simply clicking here, filling out the Inspiring Schools Awards form and telling Woolworths in 150 words or less why Glen Eira College is inspiring!
Weekly Walk and Talk
We have a social walking group which meets once a week to walk and chat for about an hour. We meet on Tuesday evenings (weather permitting) at 7:30pm at the corner of Crosbie and Murrumbeena Roads at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve.
So that we can keep in contact, we have set up a messaging group on Whatsapp. To join the group, just email us your name and phone number. (If you don't already have Whatsapp installed on your smartphone, you will need to do that first - it's very easy to install and to use).
Entertainment Books and Digital Memberships
Please help our fundraising efforts by buying an Entertainment Membership from us. You'll receive hundreds of valuable offers for everything you love to do - helping our fundraising at the same time!
With the newer Digital Membership (having a copy on your phone), you'll use it even more – especially with the brilliant ‘Near Me’ feature. You simply hit the 'Near Me' tab to see what deals are around you anywhere, anytime! AND you can download it onto your child/s phones for them to take advantage of the offers too! Many families save from $550 - $1000+ per year with their membership. It really is brilliant value for just $70.
Gran Prix Cycles – Supporting GEC and giving Discounts
Gran Prix Cycles in Caulfield South offers regular support to Glen Eira College with a special offer, which benefits you and the college. Collect a loyalty card from the GEC office to take advantage of this offer:
Cathy McNaughton and Juliet Brianton