From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff and Friends of St Norbert College,


      “The characteristic spirit of the Norbertines of Queens Park is one of ‘community’, a community

of individuals brought together by God’s call; a community that is part of the Catholic Church

and seeking to build up that Church; a community that seeks to foster a sense of community

in all that it does”.


The statement above is taken from our Parent and Student Information Handbook, to explain the Norbertine Ethos, those ethos warmly present in our College community and Mission.


Our community shared and celebrated two recent events which highlighted the joy we experience as a community when acknowledging the achievements of our students, namely; the Year 12 Graduation Mass and our Annual Presentation Night.


The Annual Presentation Night, held at the Perth Concert Hall on Monday evening, was, as always, a terrific exhibition of the talents of our students in the areas of faith, the arts, sport, academia and service to others. Our student performances and achievements definitely enliven our community with the creativity, energy and joy of youth.


Our thanks to Mr Rod Dowling, Miss Kerri Hilton and a host of wonderful staff in support, for their coordination of the evening and to Regina Ndossi and Angel Moffat, who did a tremendous job as the MC’s to high and well-deserved acclaim. Special congratulations to Miss Carrol Abel, who was acknowledged as this year’s recipient of the Brother Patrick Doolan medal, recognising her contributions to our College over many years, mirroring the true spirit of St Norbert College and being ”Prepared for all good works”.


This time last week, final preparations were under way to celebrate the College Graduation of our Year 12 Class of 2019, the pinnacle of this day being the beautiful Eucharist celebrated in St Joseph’s Church by Fr Peter. High school graduation is a wonderful milestone for our students and an acknowledgement of their hard work and contributions to our College community. This celebration is also a special time for staff and fellow students of our College, parents, family and friends, for it is these partnerships which have supported our Year 12s and fostered their growth through such formative years.


Traditionally at the start of November, we faithfully acknowledge All Saints’ Day today and All Souls’ Day tomorrow, remembering the Saints and those we have loved and lost from this earthly life. We are all touched by death and loss and the marking of these times with solemn occasions such as All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day brings some consolation and a reminder of our eternal life in heaven.


God bless.

Mr S Harvey (Principal)


Mobile phone policy

As many in our community will be aware, WA Education Minister Sue Ellery has announced that a ban on mobile phones will be implemented for all State schools. 


Understandably, the use of mobile phones in school and young people’s use of mobile phones more broadly is an issue that is of great interest to parents, educators, young people themselves and many others. There are also always a broad range of opinions in the community on what is or isn’t appropriate use of mobile phones and technology by children and young people.


Catholic Education Western Australia Executive Director, Dr Debra Sayce, has reaffirmed that CEWA Principals and leadership teams are responsible for setting policy on mobile phones at their schools, in consultation with their communities.


At Saint Norbert College, our Student Mobile Phone Policy is designed to assist in managing the safe and responsible use of mobile phones by students and involves parents as partners in assisting their children in the proper use of mobile phones. It is underpinned by an overall requirement for students to exercise care and use their mobile phones in a considerate manner and to be aware of situations in which others could be affected by their actions.


Of particular note, in relation to the Education Minister’s ban, our Student Mobile Phone Policy states;

  • Mobile phones should be switched off and placed in lockers upon arrival at the College and remain in the locker until the end of the school day.

A full copy of the Saint Norbert College Student Mobile Phone Policy is available by logging into our SEQTA portals.