I See, I Care

Kyra 6S

On Tuesday the 4th of December the Environment Leaders went to Sorrento beach, for the I See I Care dolphin swim. The day started out with some photos by the boat, followed by changing into our wetsuits and flippers.

We finally boarded the boat at 1 o’clock. After about 15 minutes we got to see some dolphins, we followed them as they swam to shore. When it was safe we jumped out of the boat into the ice cold water, and while holding onto a rope, we finally got to swim with some dolphins!

After the dolphins swam to a place where we couldn’t follow, we got back onto the boat and sailed to an abandoned lighthouse. The lighthouse is now a platform on which seals sleep and play! We put on our snorkeling gear and jumped into the water, sadly it was really difficult to swim against the currents!

Afterwards we got back onto the boat and we had free hot chocolate to warm us up, then got changed into our warm jumpers and clothes. As we started to head back to shore as we saw a group of dolphins, so we followed them around before we needed to head back to the pier. We got back to the pier at around 3:30 and got a group photo with all the ‘I see, I  care’ ambassador. It was a great day that we all enjoyed!