Visual Arts 

Denise Stach & Kerry Eeckman 


​Visual Arts Teachers

Multi-media cats, dogs, eagles and owls by Year 3/4's

The students have worked for approximately 400 minutes creating their multi-media creatures.

They have immersed themselves in instrumental music which helped to inform their abstract lines done with crayon. 

They then were given complete ownership over using different types of paint such as; poster paints, dyes, acrylic paints, watercolour pencils to create a colourful background.

Different tools were used to print onto the paper such as; wool, cardboard rolls, lids, deodorant bottles filled with paint and sponges, leaving wonderful and interesting marks.

The highlight was using the Sphero Robotic balls controlled by an iPad and dipped in paint to run across the background. This created random and uncontrolled line work to add to the piece.

Using blending skills, the eyes and nose/beak were created from pastels to bring our animals life. You will notice the light hitting the eyes just like you would see in real life.

Lastly, we learnt how to use a fan brush to create the texture of the fur and feathers. 

Many skills were used, many mediums were used, many tools were used and I think you would agree that the results are just wonderful.

Well done to the Grade Three and Four worth framing!!!

Featured Artists are Liv and Jordan 4H, Jessica and Josh 3S, Judd and Jimmy 4N, April and Jimmy 4M, Braxton and Ethan 3E

More Year 6 thoughts about their Visual Arts journey

Over the past 7 years, Art has been my favourite subject from doing clay, mirror work, cross stitch & drawings. It has been the best 7 years ever! 

Eleanor 6S


For the past 7 years, art has meant so much to me, including letting my creative juices flow and I don’t have to worry about the art work being perfect. Art also was a sense of relief and relaxation time while doing work, art also made me into a unique person because all pieces of art are unique :) 

Lena  6S


I liked doing the clay and cross-stitch. 

Shamus 6S


It meant fun, It meant getting even better then I was, it was by far my favourite spiecalist.


Liam 6B


Art was a place where we could get away from all the stress and just create. I like art because there is no definitive answer, we can all express our creativity in our own way! Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed art at Kingswood and can’t wait for art in High School! 

Reese 6B


Art has not been my strong point but I loved to do it, it is one of my favourite specialists. My favourite art work was the clay it was so much fun and we got to do it for a lot of lessons.

Mason 6W


Arts has meant a lot to me over the past 7 years. It has allowed me to learn about different styles and cultures. It has let me express myself throughout all of our lessons. From Prep to year 6, art has still let my creativity shine.

Keira 6W