
Aaron Cox 


What a busy and exciting time we have had this term. Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attend an awards ceremony at the Melbourne Convention Centre for Jeuno (5S) as he topped the state in Digital Technologies. Jeuno received his medal of excellence with a beaming smile. He is the first student at Kingswood to receive such a medal, congratulations! 


Our Energy Breakthrough team performed admirably at Maryborough, it should be understood that this program requires enormous dedication from students and parents but results in the greatest individual and team success that children can experience.


We have appointed a new substantive Assistant Principal, Tracy Skiba. We are excited about the experience Tracy brings to support Kingwoods’ efforts to consistently move forward to deliver excellent teaching and learning results for our students. Tracy is currently the Assistant Principal of Toorak Primary School. Luke Bennett has done a fantastic job as Acting Assistant Principal and the school would sincerely like to thank him for his tireless efforts. Luke has seen school administration from a whole new perspective and has ignited his desire and passion to develop further in this area. Luke will return as the PE teacher in 2019, however, Luke will also direct our whole school initiative of Student Voice, Agency and Leadership. Congratulations to both Tracy and Luke.


Our attempt to gain recognition from politicians and Department in terms of facilities funding is ongoing. Now that the election is over, we need to move to a long term strategy of positively supporting all moves made by politicians and Department initiatives that benefit government school infrastructure in Victoria. I will now become the primary contact with our local member and the Department of Education. Parents, Bianca and Victoria, have done a wonderful job to support our school and bring our overall vision to the attention of those that matter. As they release posts on social media, please take a moment to like their posts. Being positive and visible can only help. After a consultative process, we have engaged a Department architectural firm to develop a Master Plan for the school which will be used by our school moving forward.


It was a privilege for our school to attend the Professional Learning Communities Link meeting this week. It was the first time the 17 schools from across the state have gathered together. Verity Sheppard is our PLC Link Leader. We are extremely happy to be given such a honour as a 'system change school' for 2019 and beyond. Verity and I also presented to the state’s 2019 School Improvement Partnerships Program participants. Again, an honour to be one of only 4 partnerships from across the state asked to present. The Department recognises Kingswood as a system change school and aligns with one of our core values that ‘We are leaders in education’.


On Tuesday our parent school community worked with DiMarca, our branding strategy consultants. In due course we will share what we develop for Kingswood moving forward. This was an exciting time to revisit our vision, values and purpose as we enter the next phase of Kingwoods’ evolution.