Peter Corkill


Dear Parents and Students,


We are now well over the half-way mark of the term. I have been most impressed with the culture of endeavour so clearly evident on a daily basis at JMSS. New students have settled well into the rhythm of life at their new school, and parents and students will be able to gauge progress via ongoing Canvas assessment updates, as well as our first Parent-Teacher-Student Learning Conference for the year. Details are included in the newsletter and all families should make the effort to attend. Please ensure your son/daughter accompanies you to the interview, as this is the expectation at JMSS. 


Students on School Council

Congratulations to Min Hyun of Year 10 and Helen Nguyen of Year 12 who have been elected to represent the student body on School Council this year. The election was well organised by House Leaders and we received a wonderful response from the student body who ensured all fifty, YES 50!!, student nominees received votes. Helen and Min have done really well to gain the approval and confidence of their student colleagues and I am sure they will do a great job as conduits between the Student body, Student Parliament and the School Council. The first meeting of the new Council is on Tuesday 19thMarch.


Welcome to new members of staff

I am pleased to welcome Erin Hayley to JMSS. Erin has taken over the Marketing and Outreach position vacated by Liam Hensel, and is doing a terrific job already in getting the first Regional Exchange together, and bringing our website up to date. I would also like to welcome Anna Zonneveld to the staff. Anna is our new Laboratory manager and comes to us from industry where she spent many years in supervising high intensity research labs. The experience and passion of both of these new members of staff will add much to our school. Please make them welcome when you meet them.


Congratulations to Garry Ford Year 12

Sincere congratulations to Garry on the presentation of his Queen’s Scout Award in the next few days. This is the highest award in the Venturer scouting division, and results from years of dedication, service and hard work. I would like to record Garry’s own reflections on this award here, a very proud day for both him and for his family and friends:

‘I am going on my 10th year in scouting this year and have finally achieved my Queen’s Scout Award, which is the highest award in the Venturer section of scouting. To get this award, I had to give a lot of time and devotion to it and work to the best of my ability. It required me to work on my leadership, initiative, work ethic and many other valuable skills that I can use in the future towards my life and work. The scouting movement has allowed me to grow and flourish in an awesome environment. I have made numerous lifelong friendships with Victorian, interstate and international scouters; with whom I still keep in contact today. I have learned how to become a leader when one is needed and how to care forothers and the environment.’ 

Congratulations Garry - we are all very proud of you!


Monash Scholarship Presentations

On Thursday evening this week I was privileged to be able to attend the annual presentation of Monash Scholarships to around 200 students beginning their first year of study at the university. Several former JMSS students were among the participants:

Alysha Yvonne Wanigaratne – Monash Scholarship for Outstanding Achievement;

Kai Fung Hung – Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for Excellence;

Joshua Thi Lu - Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for Excellence;

William John Stamp – Monash Community Leaders Scholarship;

Ellen Lee Yates - Monash Community Leaders Scholarship;

Nathan Michael Thomas - Monash Community Leaders Scholarship;

Watudura Tikiri Dilki Silva - Monash Community Leaders Scholarship.