The Arrowsmith Program


Head of the Arrowsmith Program


The Arrowsmith program held two special events recently. The first was a ‘Bring a Buddy to Arrowsmith’ day for the Junior School Arrowsmith students. Buddies were able to experience some of the cognitive exercises in the Arrowsmith program. Junior School Arrowsmith students were able to explain to their friends how to complete the exercises. It was a great opportunity for everyone to share in a learning experience.

Instead of the Arrowsmith students working on their homework, on March 19, we allowed parents to experience some of the cognitive exercises. Arrowsmith staff were on hand to teach and guide  parents in Motor Symbol Sequencing, Symbol Recognition and Symbol Relations or clocks.


Parents experienced first- hand, the thinking and concentration that is required for some of the cognitive exercises. Another parent afternoon will be held later in the year to once again, put parents through their paces on some challenging cognitive tasks.

Congratulations to all students for completing a great first term in the Arrowsmith Program. Best wishes to all families for a happy, safe holiday break.