Middle School


Head of Middle School


I cannot believe we are finishing Term 1, where did the time go?


International Baccalaureate Asia Pacific Annual Conference

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the International Baccalaureate (IB) Asia Pacific Annual Conference held in Hong Kong, with Mr Peter Cummins, our Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning. The theme of the conference this year was “Generation IB” and focused on the educational practices emerging globally, to best prepare today’s students for an increasingly automated future and a growing need for creativity in problem solving.


I always come away from the IB Annual Conference bursting with enthusiasm and ideas of how we, as a School, can continue to grow our teaching programs, and offer an even richer educational experience for our students, this year was no exception. I also come away from each year’s conference, ever thankful that I work in an IB World School, and that we offer such a tremendous teaching framework for our students. I have no doubt that the MYP offers the most valuable and authentic learning experience for students and, when done well, best prepares students for both VCE and further study, as well as for life beyond school.


If I was to pass on one message from the conference to parents to support your children, it would be a message delivered as part of a keynote address from Dr. Jamie Chiu, a Clinical Psychologist, and founder of the Brightly Project. Dr. Chiu’s message to teachers and parents was that we can best support adolescents in their development, not by protecting them from all life’s challenges and difficulties, nor from smothering them with false praise or unrealistic expectations, but by demonstrating our belief in their ability to be able to tackle life’s challenges and setbacks on their own, and as a result, be all the stronger and more capable for it. Thus, building resilience and the ability to continue to forge their own path towards fulfillment and happiness, whatever they may be. 


I plan to hold a parent evening early next term to relay Dr. Chiu’s messages for parents. Please keep an eye on the Grammar News for a date.


Parent Teacher Evenings

Parental engagement in education is a significant factor in  supporting a child's success at School, as is a positive and supportive relationship between the School and home. With this in mind, Parent Teacher Interview evenings will be held early next term on;

  • Wednesday 1st May, 4pm – 8pm
  • Monday 6th May, 4pm – 6pm

Bookings for interviews will open on the 22nd April. 


Year 6 & Year 9 camps

This week Year 9 students journeyed to The Summit Camp in Gippsland, for three adventure filled days of initiative and team building activities. Year 6 students headed off to Camp Toolangi in the ranges beyond Healesville for and equally adventurous camp experience, aimed to help the students develop new and supportive friendships. We look forward to hearing all about these adventures next term.


Resilience Survey

Over the last two weeks of term, all Middle School students have undertaken The Resilient Youth Survey. The survey is developed by Resilient Youth Australia, and assists schools in identifying what concerns are forefront in the minds of secondary students. This information can then be tracked, analysed and used to better inform the School on areas to target to support students personal and social development.


The survey has been undertaken now for three years providing a useful comparison of the development of resilience on our students within and across year levels, allowing us to track the progress of our Pastoral programs, and the well-being of our students.


Happy and safe holidays! On that note, I wish you all a safe and enjoyable break.  


Arthur Demetriou Speech

On Tuesday 19th March, in our Year 8 Pastoral period, Arthur Demetriou (8C) delivered an incredible speech urging the students to ‘See the Person not the Disability’. It was an inspiring speech that included a few teaching activities, and which challenged the Year 8 cohort to think about the way labels and stereotypes can be harmful and damaging.


Arthur, who has Cerebral Palsy, sees his difference as a positive, where he is able to teach and inspire other individuals about his condition, whilst setting down the challenge to the student cohort to see the person not the disability.


Arthur’s courageous message was passionately delivered, and his fine oratory skills were on display for all to see. Everyone in the audience was blown away by the power of his message.


We thank Arthur and greatly appreciate his valuable contribution in helping other Oakleigh Grammar students ‘Reach New Heights’ in being able to see the person not the disability.



Cognizance Research Project

Oakleigh Grammar is proud to announce that for the fourth year in a row, our Year 9 staff and students will be taking part in the Cognizance Research Project, driven by Independent Schools Victoria.


The project aims to teach students the fundamentals of metacognition and neuroscience, and to provide them the tools to take charge of their own learning. Research has shown us that the explicit teaching of these psychological skills has a positive and measurable impact on student learning. The 2018 data, based on the 383 students, 22 teachers and six schools involved, demonstrated a 63% increase in student understanding of the “aspire, analyse, assess and adapt” pillars of metacognition, and a 64% increase in students’ ability to write more deeply about the real-world application of their learning.


So, what is metacognition? Put simply, it is the learner’s awareness and control of their own learning processes. The central aim of the project is to help students recognise the factors that affect their learning and memory, and to give them the tools to take agency over these factors.

Oakleigh Grammar staff and students will work with Harvard University’s renowned educational neuroscientist, Dr Jared Cooney-Horvath, who drives the project content. At Oakleigh Grammar, our Cognizance Coordinator and VCE Psychology teacher Mr Leigh Gridley leads the project’s implementation, and now plays a key role in advising staff at other schools who are new to the project. Ultimately however, it is the students that take centre stage.


Throughout the school year, they will take part in interactive lessons, activities and in-class ‘microprojects’ based on the 2019 cohort’s specific strengths, weaknesses and goals. Knowing how to learn is the one skill that is truly future-proof – guaranteed to be an advantage to adults as society and technology inevitably evolve in future decades. At Oakleigh Grammar, we intend for every one of our students to have this advantage. If you would like more information about the Cognizance Research Project, Mr Gridley is happy to assist.


Year 10 Personal Project 

Eleni Pantelidis 

Year 10B