Student Awards

Friday 21st February

Foundation  Luke

Congratulations on being a fantastic role model in Foundation. The excellence that you show in all of your learning is outstanding. You should be proud of how you have settled in to school


Junior A  Eva

Eva, you have been writing some amazing persuasive pieces this week. Your reasons for why pool volleyball was your favourite sport were very convincing. Keep up the excellence in your writing!


Junior  B    Seth

Seth, we love the way you give your best to everything you do. You demonstrate respect to your classmates and show kindness towards everyone you meet.


Middle A      Esther

 You are such a wonderful role model for respect. You are considerate of others in your words and actions. It is wonderful to have such a kind student in our class


Middle B   Milly

You have made such a wonderful effort in your persuasive writing this week. It is reflected in your work being of high standard and being a representation of what excellence looks like. Your commitment, persistence and steady focus have lead you to success! Well done Milly!


Middle C     Rory

Rory, you showed Excellence when you took on the Maths challenge that was given to you with enthusiasm and a great attitude. Keep it up!


Senior B  Catherine

Well done for showing a high level of excellence across all areas of your learning. You have made an incredible start to Grade 5 and I can't wait to watch your grow throughout the year!


Golbal Studies   Kruze

You have shown excellence in the way you have worked so well with your partner in making your game during Global Studies/Ethics . I cannot wait to play it. Well done!!


Art   Mia

Well done on a great week in Art, Mia. You showed Excellence when you used a range of effects when painting with watercolours this week. Your results looked fantastic!


Science     Charlie

Congratulations Charlie on always participating to such an excellent standard in Science lessons. You always strive to put in your best effort in all activities.

Friday 28th February


Foundation Ruby

What a 5 star learner you are Ruby! You consistently demonstrate respect to all the people around you and always try your best in all areas of your learning.


Junior A   Taylor

It has been fantastic to see you being so resilient with all your learning. You are a keen and eager learner and always make sure you know what needs to be done! Keep up the hard work.


Junior B   Callum

It has been terrific to have you as a learner in Junior B. You are a 5 Star Learner! Keep working hard Callum!


Middle A     Envy

You are such a wonderful role model for resilience when learning. You push yourself to try new things and always work to improve upon your first effort. It is wonderful to have such a motivated learner in our class.


Middle B  Jas

Jas, I am so impressed by the high standard of work you produce and he resilience and motivation you show in the classroom is amazing. It has been wonderful to see how you show respect to all around you. Keep it up Jas!


Middle C Hayley

For showing Excellence and Resilience in Reading by focusing on sounding out unfamiliar words. Keep it up, Hayley!


Senior B   Tara

Congratulations on a fantastic week of learning. You have shown excellence when planning and drafting your persuasive writing piece. I can wait to read the final product. Keep it up Tara!


Global Studies  Jacob

You have shown excellence in everything you have done in Global Studies and Ethics this week. You worked so well on your board game and came up with something that was unique, easy to understand and rules that were necessary for the game to be successful. Well done Jacob!


Art Stralia

Your sketches this week of your giraffe showed fantastic use of line and value. You were able to follow the step-by-step sketch sheet and your results looked fantastic! I can't wait to see your finished art work.


PE  Bella

Congratulations on representing KPS at the District Swimming Trials. Great effort, Bella!