Middle School News

Our learning

As always, it's been a busy time in Middle School. We have started our Genius Hour projects - students choose something they would like to learn more about, research their chosen topic, and create a presentation for an audience. They have chosen their topics and are enthusiastically researching!

We've been learning about Indigenous culture in History, and our Geography lessons have focused around different types of climates and environments. 

Reading has focused on predicting skills, with students using clues in the text to work out what might happen next. In Writing, we are learning to form persuasive arguments, while Maths has focused on classifying shapes and objects and their features.

Students enjoyed our PBS celebration, where they were rewarded with board game time for reaching our target acknowledgements. Great work to all our students across the school!


Munch and Crunch: Don't forget your fresh fruit and veggies to eat while we are working away at 10am each day!

Social media: We remind parents to please read the advice from the eSafety Commissioner with respect to children's use of social media: 


Please also be aware that Tik Tok requires all users of the app to be aged over 13. Common Sense media recommends not allowing your child to use Tik Tok unless they are at least 15 because of privacy issues and mature content.

Upcoming events

Friday 6th March - Student-free day

Monday 9th March - Labour Day public holiday

Friday 13th - Tuesday 17th March - Life Education van

Friday 20th March - Jump Disco

Friday 27th March - Last day of term - Easter bonnet parade and raffle


HOMEWORK - A reminder of the homework requirements for our Middle School students:

You should see a copy of this checklist glued into your child's diary. Please sign off on it each day.

At the moment, My Literacy isn't active so only the My Numeracy, reading and spelling components are required. Thank you for encouraging your child to develop a regular homework routine!