Principal's Report
Positive Acknowledgements
We already have 3800 positive acknowledgements on our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Tree! This is an incredible effort by all members of the school community, encouraging and acknowledging Respect, Excellence and Resilienceour students.
We have also received lots of positive feedback about our students whilst on excursions or working with other schools.
Our Juniors showed great resilience while at the State Library and being filmed during very exciting activities. One of the State Library educators commented, “Kilsyth students were absolute stars - listening so respectfully whilst surrounded by cameras and people. It was such a pleasure to have them!”
Our Seniors have been receiving wonderful feedback at Interschool Sport. Teachers from Chirnside Park PS commented on the wonderful behaviour and attitudes, particularly highlighting our Rugby team who were always respectful during a challenging match. The teacher running Tennis also said it was great to play against a school that has "such a great feel".
It's wonderful to see students being the best they can be in all settings!
bike Active Students 🚲
It has been great to see so many students riding or scooting to school lately! One day, we counted 18 bikes and scooters at the bike racks! Being active is a fantastic way for students to start the day, getting oxygen pumping through their bodies and into their brains. Keep it up everyone!
sun Farewell Kate Jacklin ☀
Every time Kate has walked into Kilsyth PS over the last few years, she has sprinkled sunshine in her wake, helping all members of our community feel warm and happy. Kate has picked up a job working with adolescents in need of counselling, who have no idea how lucky they are about to become, working with Kate. Wednesday 11th March will be here last day with KPS. Kate, we wish you every success and happiness as you embark on the next stage of your career.
Farewell Bookaburra
After several years of helping to connect our school community through story time, Bookaburra will no longer be working at KPS. We want to thank Pamela for her years of support and work, and wish her all the very best in the future.
Curriculum Day Tomorrow - Student Free Day
Reminder that tomorrow, Friday 6th March is a Student-Free Curriculum Day. The school will be closed while staff work off-site with staff from neighbouring schools, focusing on Curiosity and Writing.