
Congratulations Emma!

Congratulations to Emma McQuire on achieving DUX of 2019!

Wonderful to have her back and hear her inspiration speech at our first 2020 JMSS assembly.


Lost Property

The start of a new year has led to a plethora of items handed into the General Office as lost property.  These consist mainly, but not exclusively, of:

  • Blazers
  • Jumpers
  • Phones
  • Lab coats
  • myki cards
  • Sports uniforms
  • Books and diaries
  • Lunch boxes and drink bottles

We endeavour to return these items to students but our job would be made much easier if all items of clothing and property are labelled with a name.  This will also save you money in not having to replace, in particular, lunch boxes and drink bottles.  These items cannot be kept due to hygiene reasons.  Lost property can be reclaimed from the table outside the General Office entry.

Many thanks

Chess Club

Chess Club will be on every Thursday and Friday at lunchtime in 2B1/2. 

Please feel free to join us for a friendly match, to challenge other players or even to play some cards.

Hope to see you there.

Kind regards,



For the first assembly of 2020 we were excited to have special guest Prof. Andrew Pask, Professor in Epigenetics, University of Melbourne present to the entire JMSS cohort.  He has published over 100 papers on developmental genetics particularly using eutherian-marsupial comparisons. Of note, his recent work involved sequencing the genome of the extinct thylacine and was the feature article in Nature Ecology and Evolution. All the students (and staff!) throughly enjoyed his speech.


VSL Congratulations

Congratulations to Danil Pkjhakadze and Sofya Shcherbak who both received "Top Scorer" honours in the Victorian VCE for Russian. Incredible effort and dedication in studying this language at such a high calibre. Congratulations to Danil and Sofya.